Movie Night *John-Kryoz* XXX

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-Your POV-

"Hey babe?" John called up the stairs.

"Yeah?" I called, still working on my laptop.

"When will you be done?"

"Probably another hour and a half."

"Cool, movie night tonight! I'll make some food before so we can eat!"

I smiled at nothing. I ran down the stairs and placed a kiss on John's lips. He's such a sweetheart. Pulling back from him I place another kiss on his cheek before going back upstairs.

"Also, nice ass!" He calls as I'm half way up the steps.

I save the video I had edited for John. Making sure to have the backed up copy saved as well. Walking to our bedroom I decide to change into a hoodie and shorts. 

"Hey babe?" I get his attention as I come down the stairs, "What's for dinner?"

"Just some spaghetti and meatballs." He replies.

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing a plate and heading to the movie room. John followed quickly behind and took a seat beside me on the large sectional sofa. It was basically a bed by now. 

"So I picked a movie already if that's okay?"

"Yeah of course. What movie?"

"It's called Black Snake Moan."

"W-Wait.. John, isn't that the movie about that girl who is basically kidnapped by a crazy religious guy?"

"Yep. She's into some kinky shit and he's trying to rid her of her 'sins'."

My face dropped, I turned my head slowly to John. 

"You can't be serious. We are actually watching a movie about a girl having Stockholm syndrome?"

"Yes, ma'am." 

John laughed and then pressed play.

I watched as the blonde girl, in a t-shirt and panties, yanked on the chain around her body. 

God that would hurt.. wouldn't it? It's a huge fucking chain! That can't feel good. I thought incredulously. 

I could feel John's body shift. He pulled me onto his lap, still facing the television screen. His arms slid around my body, hugging me closer to his body; warm breath tickling my neck. 

"I'd chain you up in bed, if you let me." He whispered in my ear.

John's voice was deep and throaty. Much sexier than usual. I sat there for a moment before turning around on his lap. My legs straddled his hips, his hands resting gently on my thighs. I tilted my head to the side, giving him a questioning look.

"What? I would. You being tied up in bed would be sexy as hell." He explained, his voice sounding normal.

I raised a brow at him.

"Oh come on," his voice deepened again, "If you were tied up in the bed it wouldn't be to prevent you from having sex. It would be so that I could have sex with you." 

My mouth fell open. John's hands slid up my thighs to my lower back, underneath my hoodie. I still stared down at him. I knew John had liked some.. kinky things, but I didn't expect bondage to be one of them. As I was thinking, John pushed me off of him and onto my back beside him. He laid on his side, pulling my body closer to him. Our lips met in a soft kiss. My skin grew hot as his hand slid up my back, quickly unlatching the bra I'd had on. He sat up quickly, pulling the hoodie over my head, as well as my bra. 

John lent down, placing a soft kiss on my lips before deepening it. A shiver ran down my spine as he took my nipples in-between his fingers and gently pinched them. John's kisses trailed down to my breasts. His hot breath on my skin made me lust for him. 

"John.." I moaned.

"Hmm?" He hummed, kissing the skin between my breasts.

"I want you, right now."

"What do you want, baby?" He teased. 

He pulled back, replacing his kisses with his hands, a smirk plastered on his face.

"I want you."

"Want me to what?" He continued, his hands massaging my breasts/

"Don't make me beg." 

"But, I want you to beg, Y/N." 

His voice alone made me wet. 

"John, please."

I began to wriggle beneath him. The weight of his body had me pinned, and the fact that he continued to massage my breasts, flicking his fingers over my nipples every so often.. I was putty in his hands. He stopped moving, pulling his hands away, but staying on top of me. I couldn't help it. He was so fucking sexy.

"For fucks sake, John. Oh my god, please!"

He stared down at me, his sadistic little grin still on his face.

"John! Please, god, just fuck me. Make me scream. Make my body shake, claim it, mark it, I don't care, just please for the love of God-"

He swiftly stood up and ripped his own clothing off. And as soon as they were, he was between my legs. He kissed me harshly, thrusting himself into my pussy. My moans were muffled by the kiss. He pulled out and thrust back in again. Our kiss was broken, allowing the moans to come spilling out of my mouth. John thrust into me, sending waves of euphoric pleasure throughout my body. 

"Fuck, baby."

"Oh, John, harder." I moaned.

"Say my name again." He commanded, thrusting into me with more force than before.


He thrust harder into me. At this point I was seeing stars. I could feel the tight knot in my stomach building much faster than before. 

"Oh, fuck, John.." I groaned.

His hands fell to my hips, gripping them tight enough to leave his fingerprints as bruises. The tight knot hit it's max, beginning to unfurl. Everything throughout my body shook from the pleasure I was feeling. John thrust into me a few more times before pulling out and cumming beside me. 

His heavy breath tingled the skin on my neck. Our eyes met for a second before he grabbed me and pulled me out of the room.

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