Fighter *Ryan* Part Two XXX

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WARNING: Daddy kink

-Third Person POV-

Ryan sat in the driver's seat, speeding down the freeway to get back to his apartment. His free hand was gently placed on Y/N's thigh. His thumb rubbed small circles on her delicate skin. The feeling was calming to the girl. She smiled at the gesture.

I never expected to get to meet him.. she thought, looking at Ryan, THE Ohmwrecker. The smile was plastered on her face. Ryan looked over at her, noticing the wide smile.

"What are you smiling for?" He asked, a smile of his own starting to creep onto his face.

"I never thought I'd get to meet you in person. Let alone be going home with you." She replied.

"Well.. safe to say that I'm really glad you fucked up your hands now." He laughed.

His hand moved from her thigh to her hands. She winced a little as his rough hands grasped hers. He pulled her hand towards his face, planting a small kiss on each red wound. Y/N giggled at what the tall brunette man was doing, his facial hair tickled her skin. Ryan released Y/N's hand as he pulled off of the freeway. He placed his hand back on her thigh. This time his hand was much higher than before. His hand slid between her thighs, not moving, just still. There was only a thin layer of fabric that separated his hand from her core. Ryan smirked, seeing the influence and control he had over Y/N with a simple movement. He started to slowly move his hand up and down, causing friction in her shorts. Her hand went to the door, gripping it tightly. Her breathing was growing more irregular with each movement.

"Nice to see that I can do this to you." He said, a smirk on his face.

She looked over at him, his hazel eyes were slightly darker than before, as well as being narrower. His eyes looked like those of a wolf stalking its prey. He was the wolf, and she quickly realized that she was his prey. His hand moved ever so slightly, sending a wave of pleasure through her body.

"R-Ryan.." She warned.

"What is it, Y/N?" He teased, moving his hand again.

She fidgeted in her seat. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. And he loved it, to be completely honest.

"You're a tease." She groaned softly.

"Oh, I know." His smirk was one of the sexiest things she'd ever seen.

His fingers started to work persistently against a certain spot. Y/N was squirming in her seat, unable to sit still. Ryan continued to rub small circles on her clit, over the fabric of her shorts. His fingers pushed the fabric to the side, expecting another layer.

"Someone isn't wearing any underwear.." He mused.

Y/N responded with a soft moan. The sound of her voice was driving Ryan crazy. He was causing her to moan the way she was, and he loved it. He pressed harder into her clit, rubbing faster than before. He saw the muscles in Y/N's legs begin to twitch. He rubbed faster, growing sloppier, but pleasuring her all the more.

"Ryan.. oh.." She moaned.

He pulled into the driveway of his rental. He leant over to her, softly biting the lobe of her ear. His breath sent shivers up her spine. She was getting closer and closer to her peak. Ryan massaged her clit faster, switching hands so that he could lean closer to her. He kissed her jaw right below her ear. His breath made her skin tingle.

"Cum for Daddy." He ordered.

His voice was deep and raspy. His words alone sent another wave through Y/N, her end nearing quickly. Her breathing hitched for a moment as she hit her peak.

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