Christmas Special!

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*Part two! Part one on my book Spectrum! This is a continuation from that part. Go check it out!*


"What are ye doin' with Y/N's present!?" Nogla yelled at Lui.

"I thought this was mine!? They are all min aren't they?!" Lui yelled in his squeaker voice.

Y/N walked in, seeing David and Lui arguing. She was giggling as she watched Nogla snatch a gift away from Lui, which in turn made Lui start groaning. He turned around and saw Y/N, a smile instantly crossing his face.

"Merry Christmas!" He cheered.

"Merry Christmas, David." She said with a wide smile on her face. 

"I have something I want to show you!" Y/N squealed.

She grabbed Nogla's hand, pulling him outside.

"What are ye doing?" He asked the H/C girl.

"Just open your eyes and look at it!" She said.

Nogla looked around, not noticing anything out of the normal.

"It's snowing you dumb ass!" She yelled.

That's when he noticed the small white flakes coming down softly. It was coming down heavily now. Small flakes stuck to Y/N's hair, giving her a snowy crown. She looks so beautiful. 


"What was that?" Y/N asked.

The two walked back towards the building. 

"Look in the pool." Nogla said.

Mini had dragged his girlfriend out into the snow, and dropped her in the pool, as well as himself. 

"Don't you ever do that to me." Y/N said.

"No promises." He said as he lent in to kiss her.


"These fucking things won't stay up!" Marcel screamed.

He was currently trying to fix some of the lights in the hallway. He was reaching up, trying to pin it back to the wall when he got tackled.

"What the fu-" He stopped mid sentence when he saw who it was that had tackled him.

"Y/N!" He yelled, a slight grin on his lips.

"Marcel!" She yelled back. 

He kissed her lips before trying to stand up again. However, the lights that he had currently been trying to fix were now in a heap on the floor, their bodies tangled in them.

"So we aren't getting up anytime soon.." He said, looking around at the mess of lights.

"It's okay. It looks pretty since they are on. It's like we have our own light source emanating off of us." She said, poking his nose.

"I missed you, my little angel." He said, kissing her nose.

"I missed you too. I got you a present, but it's out there.. sooo..." She giggled as she looked around at their predicament.

"Oh yeah? I have mine right here." He said as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box.

"Oh my god Marcel if you propose right n-"

"No! Not yet at least." 

Brian walked in, noticing their predicament.

"What the hell?" He said, laughing at the two.

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