Hurt Like We Did *Your Choice*

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-Your POV-

"Y/N.." Melissa whispered, reaching her hand out to my knee.

I glanced up at her. My skin was hot, but I felt cold. She gave me a small smile before pulling me close to her. The strong face I had crumbled down. Fresh tears stung my eyes as I sobbed. My lungs couldn't handle my erratic breathing, feeling as if they would collapse.

Is this what a broken heart feels like?

What am I supposed to do now? We live together. It's not like I have anywhere to go. Melissa released me from her grip.

"I'll be back in the morning. Have an overnight bag with a couple day's worth of clothes. I don't want you to stay here alone." Her words were kind.

Melissa was the first person to become my friend after moving in with him. She only lived a few miles away, but it was far enough. She was a makeup artist and photographer. Her tanned skin was a tawny color. Her hair was bleached on the ends, but had dark roots. And her eyes were a dark chocolate color. I hadn't met a girl that was as beautiful as her in my life. I nodded my head in agreement before she walked out of the bedroom. 

I looked around the room. Everything I owned was in this house. Every last belonging. My eyes scanned the room before landing on a picture. It was a picture of him and I on the beach on the fourth of July. I got up and grabbed the frame before sitting back on the bed again. Melissa had taken the photograph, actually. He was looking down at me while I watched the fireworks. Our faces were lit up by blue and red hues. The small smile on his face and the look of wonder on mine. 

I gripped the frame before throwing it across the room. The glass shattered against the wall behind the door. Tiny crystalline shards were scattered across the carpet. The wooden frame in pieces.

Everything in my body ached. My eyes were sore from crying so much. Pain was felt all throughout my body. It was as if my blood was a toxin and the harder my heart worked to pump it through my body, the faster it was killing itself. 

I couldn't be here any longer. Pulling a pair of shoes out from under the bed, I got up and left the house, keys in hand. 

-His POV-

It was nearly two in the morning when I pulled into the driveway. Y/N's car wasn't here. Then again, I think she was at Melissa's house. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. 

Opening the door to our.. my.. house, I was met with the same familiar surroundings. Nothing was out of place, all of Y/N and I's things were in the same spot we left them. I walked up the stairs to the bedroom. The door was slightly cracked. My heart began to pound in my chest. I gently pushed the door open with my foot. After glancing around it was easy to see she wasn't here. 

Something cracked beneath my feet as I took a step into the room. Glass shards were everywhere. I closed the door behind me to see a large dent in the wall. On the floor was three wooden pieces of a picture frame. Two pieces of paper were lying face down near the frame. Grabbing them, being sure not to pick up any glass with them, I flipped them over. A long tear had made its way through Y/N's face. It was a picture of us from the fourth of July. Except now it was a picture of myself and her H/C hair on my shoulder. The other half, her half, was ripped along her face. If I didn't know what this photo was supposed to be, you wouldn't be able to tell who it was.

My heart began to race again. I was afraid. I didn't know where she was. But, clearly she had been here.

Where did she go?  I thought. She shouldn't have left yet..

I pulled my phone out and dialed her number. It rang once before going straight to her voice message. Dialing another number I waited for the same response.

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