Chapter 10 - The Green Eyed Monster

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Chapter 10 - The Green Eyed Monster


I was wearing my dark glasses indoors again. I knew it peeved Selene-I'd seen her rolling her eyes at me the first time we met-but I had been awake in my dreams for several nights, trying to find the end of the tunnel. I was hoping to catch some sleep while I waited for Francis to finish whatever he was doing these mornings, but Selene caught my attention. I gazed at her through my shades.

Selene was silently proofreading her story, but her lips were moving.

Interesting story.

Then she abruptly closed her netbook and packed her things, a panicky look on her face. I looked at the time and realized why. She only had a few minutes left before the bell rang.

I just needed two minutes to get to school on my bike, but the girl walked from the café to her class. I could give her a ride to school today. Francis could walk. The kid needed to burn all the calories he consumed anyway.

I ran after Selene who had already stepped out the door. In my hurry, I didn't see her and accidentally bumped into her, making her drop her drink.


I told her I'd replace it, but she was in a hurry to leave. She was supposed to say yes like before. Since she didn't follow the script I'd made in my head, I improvised and asked the most asinine question that morning.

"Are you writing about demons?"

The girl looked shocked.

I felt like an idiot. How would I continue this conversation without appearing like a stalker?

By tweaking the truth. I told her she was reading out loud and now she looked horrified.

I felt guilty. I hoped she wouldn't mention it to Francis because my baby brother would call me out.

I offered Selene a ride to school, but she cringed at my suggestion. At this point, I wasn't sure if she was squirming at the idea that she was caught reading out loud or riding with me. On my bike. Leaning on my back. Her arms around me. Her caramel scent enfolding me.

And I had to snap out of it. She was just a mortal child.

I was no better than Markus.

She was looking at me like I were some nut. Had I been saying my thoughts out loud?

Then she turned toward school.

I grumbled. I had brushed my teeth that morning and even used mouthwash. I wondered why Selene seemed to find me repulsive.

"Hey, just a tip," I said, raring to continue any form of dialogue with the girl. "Not all demons have horns. Some have wings."

And at that, she ran to school.

"Damn it. I need to work on my social skills," I muttered.


Selene was at the café every morning that week.

I watched her from my side of the diner. She looked different the past days. She didn't look as shy as she was the first time I had seen her. She looked happier. She smiled more. Although I could attribute that to Francis since the kid knew how to be annoyingly adorable. All the mothers we'd encountered at the mall or the grocery had wanted to adopt him.

But there was something else about Selene. There was a force thrumming just below the surface. She was giddy with energy that other people didn't seem to see, but I could detect so well, it almost seemed tangible to me. I was surprised that Francis hadn't mentioned or caught on to it yet. The vim emanating from Selene only eased up once she sat down and switched on her device.

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