Chapter 34 - Aislin

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Chapter 34 - Aislin


Are you suggesting I take it off?

What was I thinking? Well, I knew what I was thinking, but I didn't have to say it out loud. That look Ice gave me. I thought he was going to leave me there.

But then he continued walking me home. He held my hand. He kept me close.

And he kissed me. Gently. Softly.

Not like the first kiss we shared in the gallery. That was intense. Hot. And rough. All grasping and grabbing like we were making up for lost time. And in those moments, we didn't need to breathe.

That last kiss though. Just the touch of Ice's lips. Slow and tender. I didn't want to let go. I'd willingly face frostbite and forfeit breathing to stay in his arms.

Till reality woke me up in the form of a giant black bat that swooped mere inches above Ice's head.

I might've shrieked. Then chuckled. While Ice glowered at the flying rodent, grumbling about retribution. He was adorable.

I stood on my toes to give him a quick peck on his cheek and told him, "I'll see you tomorrow."

He stared at me a long time then brushed the side of my face with the back of his hand. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from pouncing on him. Maybe he wouldn't mind. But then he took my keys and unlocked my door.

"Good night, Selene," he said quietly as he waited for me to get inside.

Half-heartedly, I did.

But once I've climbed the stairs to get to my apartment, I had to stop myself from sprinting back outside. I took a peek out my window and saw Ice still facing the door downstairs. I considered running back down, but he turned around because two more bats had swept toward him-why was there suddenly an infestation of bats in the area-and Ice snatched both nocturnal beasts and ripped off their wings. Then he chucked the two limbless creatures and went his way.


I did not see that.

That did not happen.

That would be a part of all the ideas and images rushing at me tonight. There had been so many concepts forming since Ice and I stepped out of The Fields hours ago. I had not felt this inspired since I wrote my first book ages ago. My mind whirled. My fingers twitched.

But I didn't want to drown our first kiss with plans for future stories. I needed to slow down. And savor the touch of his lips. How his teeth lightly nipped my lip. How his tongue teased mine.

How his eyes turned gold.

How he severed the wings of those bats.

Ack! I couldn't remove that imagined incident from my head!

Perhaps I should write it down and include the scene in my next story. It was something that Penance would do. Instead of bats though, I would give him something immensely horrific.

Stop. I needed to stop working. I'd promised myself a week of idleness.

I paced around my room. I paused in front of my shelf and pulled out the first book I'd written. I sifted randomly through the pages and stumbled upon the name of my female protagonist.

Aislin. Ais-Lin. Ice-Lene. Ice-Selene.

Oh Lord.

Had I subconsciously done the corniest thing in my youth and combined Ice's name with mine?

My phone sounded a message alert as if to say yes. I glared at the device that I'd placed on my desk. Then thought perhaps it was Ice sending me a message saying yes, he also linked our names for fun.

Ridiculous. Me.

I swiped the screen of my phone, pretending I wasn't too eager to read something from Ice.

Good thing I wasn't because the message was from my boss.

We got the deal. They'll turn your book series into a television sequence. You can thank me by not disappearing next time.

Yes, master. What did people find charming about Noah Hunter?

Another message alert.

I know you're on hiatus, but I suggest you start working on your next book. Good night, my dear.

That's it. Time to switch off my phone and just check in after a week. My family knew I was on break and would send me an email if it were an emergency.

I was just about to disconnect from newly plotted deadlines when Mika's We are Golden started blasting from my phone.

Francis. He chose that ring tone for his calls. I decided to let it play for a bit as I started dancing. I had to give it to Francis. It was an old song, but still a catchy tune.

Running around again.

Running from running.

We are not what you think we are.

We are golden.

When the phone kept playing after two minutes, I figured Francis got himself in girl trouble again and needed me to pretend to be his mom and give him an excuse to escape.

"Hello, my wayward son," I crooned.


"Francis, are you okay?" I asked, now worried.


Not Francis. That deep, guttural voice. My mood immediately switched from anxiety to ecstasy. Or delight. Yes, delight.

"Hey," I whispered back as I sank into a chair.

"I didn't get your new number. I borrowed Francis' phone. I just wanted to say I enjoyed tonight."

As much as I enjoyed hearing the low rumble of your voice.

"Me, too. Again, thank you for sharing your art with me." I touched the pearl that rested against the hollow on my throat.

"I checked the meaning of your penname," Ice continued, his voice huskier. "It's not an Italian lake."

"It's not an Italian lake," I repeated, remembering I told Ice the name stood for the inspiration behind my fictional universe.

"Guinto means gold. And Lochan refers to The Eye."

"You got it," I said.

"Good, now I could sleep," he answered.

And right after we ended the call, I murmured, "The golden eye. Your golden eyes. My tribute to he who set off this conjured creation."

I touched my lips. I fiddled with the pearl.

"It's you."


A/N: Let's all strip down, get into our jammies (optional) and dance! :-)

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