5 / friends

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I drop the phone onto my stomach after he hangs up, and sigh loudly. I hate talking on the phone, I hate not being able to see his face, his eyes, the set of his mouth.

Maybe next time we can use Skype or FaceTime instead.

I stand up to find Sierra, staggering a little bit on my stiff legs, and step onto the sidewalk. My jeans are damp but I can't muster the care to actually be concerned with how they must look to other people.

Sierra is perched on the steps of the cafeteria with a  guy smoking in his leather jacket. She steals the cigarette and takes an elegant drag. Her head is cocked to the side as she listens to what he says avidly.

"Katherine!" She calls, stepping away the moment she sees me, and strides down the steps. I like her shorts and make a mental note to steal them at some point, they're very short cranberry coloured corduroy ones. "I was waiting for you."

"Sorry, I was talking to Cam." She pulls a face.

"How is he, over in Traitor Land?"

"He's not a traitor, it's something he had to do." She pulls another face, a meaner one.

"He didn't have to leave you." She crosses her arms, pushing her boobs closer to the top of her tight black camisole.

I shrug. There's nothing to say. Nothing to do.


I'm learning HTML (and also Java) coding and it's so so so so cool. We did the Hour of Code in global today and my teacher was laughing at me (he's my fav do he's allowed) because he also teaches me English and that's what I did for most of the class.

If you've coded your own tumblr theme before hit me up bc that's complicated and interesting. (TEACH ME YOUR WAYS)

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