[20] Attack Of The Homicidal Bitch

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Kelsey's POV

After I came back from the library to catch up with some work, I saw one of the classrooms was crowded at the door. Hmm, I wonder what's going on, as I got there, I saw Scott squeeze his way through so I done the same. "I don't get why no one's calling the police." Call the police? What happened. "They're gonna make an announcement over the P.A." Ms. Blake told Lydia.

I noticed Aiden by her side. Why is he always with Lydia? That really bother me, not because I'm jealous or anything, because I'm not, I hate him, he's a monster, which is exactly why I don't want him near Lydia. "That's not gonna do anything! I told you, he's gone. Like the others, taken."

Taken? Oh great, the darach took another freaking teacher. "Okay. Look, we're just trying to understand, okay? All we know is that Mr. Westover didn't show up for class." Wait, Mr. Westover as in my history teacher? Why him, Jesus he was like one of my three favorite teachers. He made me laugh and everything, and now he's probably dead.

That's just freaking great, now we're gonna have to have a sub who will grade me with C's, no. I wasn't Mr. Westover to magically come back and give my A's I so desperately need. "And the last time that happened was Mr. Harris. Anyone heard from him lately? He's gone."

Lydia walked over to the board and pointed at the number two that was written inside the Celtic symbol. "And he's going to be the second murder." Oh, Mr. Harris, I still miss him a little.

Even though he was kind of an annoying dick sometimes, his colourful words and sarcasm never failed to make me laugh, especially when it was directed at Stiles and Scott. "But, Lydia, you wrote that number."

"Okay, fine. I'm psychic."

"You're psychic?" Lydia raised her voice, causing all the heads of the students turn to her direction. "I'm something!"

I felt someone come between Scot and I, it was Ethan. "A deputy and a teacher? What's the pattern?" He asked. "We don't know." I told him.


It was petty dark when Scott and I walked outside. Scott got a text from Allison, which he read so quickly I could get to see myself, he then called Stiles almost immediately, telling him the news. "It's philosophers as in teachers. Allison and her father just found Mr. Westover." Just Allison and Chris, not Isaac? Maybe I was wrong, maybe he's not with her.

But then again she probably didn't want to tell him she was with Isaac because he might suspected something was going on. "That makes sense. Tara, she wasn't always a cop. She used to teach middle school." Stiles said from the other side of the phone. "Then the last one's gonna be another teacher."

It better not be my art teacher Ms. Carver, because she is amazing and if she's the next sacrifice I will cry. "Yeah, but there's dozens of them, Scott, and they're all headed home." Stiles said, both Scott and I looked at a bunch of people walking into the school. "No. No, they're not. They're all going to the recital."

As Scott and I walked through the doors, I quickly noticed Ethan and Danny together talking, so I decided to listen in. "I know how to tie my own tie."

Ethan adjusted Danny's tie. "Well, you know how to do it badly. Now, it's perfect. Still nervous?"

"All good." Danny replied. Ethan turned his back and was about to walk away when he turned back around to Danny. "Okay. Listen. If anything happens, find me, okay? Find me first." Ethan said.

As much as I hate Ethan and his brother, I got to admit he and Danny are kind of cute together, and it seems like he generally cares for Danny, but I'm still keeping an eye on him. I looked over at Scott and saw he was looking at Aiden who was glaring at his brother.

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