[07] Crazed Killing Machines

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Kelsey's POV

Chris gave out everyone these stick things he called sonic emitters, which he said would force Boyd and Cora to go in the direction of the school. So in order for that to happen, we had to split up.

Derek wasn't to happy about me going in a separate direction after the sate he saw me in earlier, he said I wouldn't be able to concentrate with so much on my mind, so I had to tag along with Chris. And as everyone is running to the school, Chris thought it would be better if he and I speed walk.

Which I thought was dumb idea. My job was to hold and pass the sonic rocket things so he could plant them on the way to the school.

Chris and I stopped once we reached the school. Scott and Isaac soon caught up after us. "Do you see that?" Chris asked as he looked up. Following where Chris was looking, I notice a single firefly, like the fireflies I saw earlier.

"Yeah, it's a firefly." Scott replied. "No, no, I know, it..."

"What?" I say confused.

"It's, uh...it's very unusual. The, uh, California fireflies aren't bio-luminescent." I raise an I brow. "They don't glow." Oh right. Well that's odd.

"Does that mean something?" Scott asked, but before Chris could reply, we spot Derek near the underpass looking towards Boyd and Cora who looked raged with anger. "Oh, great." Isaac let out. Boyd and Cora glanced at Derek before jumping on the roof.

"They're not going through the school. They're going over it." Scott announced.

Where would Boyd and Cora go? Would they actually kill innocent people they bump into? If the alpha pack wanted Boyd and Cora to run around like crazed killing machines, why keep them all this time? Wouldn't they want to kill them both themselves? "The red doors, someone has to get them open." Chris said.

"Someone has to drive them inside." And why would the alpha pack kill Erica and not Boyd and Cora along with her? Did Erica do something wrong? Did she try to fight back and get punished for it?

"I'll go." Chris tells us.

"No. We're faster." Isaac said as he looked over to me. Derek walked over to hear the plan. "Who's going to lead them to the boiler room?" I asked, looking at Scott then towards Derek who answered. "Scott and I will do it." He said, before he and Scott went to find Boyd and Cora to follow them into the school.

It's mine and Isaac's job to drive them in, make sure they don't get out. I don't know what we're going to do once they're in there, probably just wait until the sun comes up, calm them down.

Everything was going fine before Allison showed up. Yeah, apparently Chris thought it would be good to have more help to drive Boyd and Cora in the school. But we didn't need it, Isaac and I were doing perfectly fine. Well, that is before Allison almost shot a bloody flashing arrow at my head. I swear she's trying to kill me on purpose. "Isaac, an arrow nearly went through my head, she was aiming at me."

"She was trying to drive Boyd and Cora in the school."

"Well she needs to go see the optician because clearly my head isn't the direction of the school." I say, looking towards the window to see Allison who was standing on a hill with her bow and arrows by her side.

Scott and Derek managed to get Boyd and Cora into the boiler room, so now all we have to do now, is wait for the sun to come up. "Maybe she lost her grip or something, look it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is you. Now, tell me how you are and don't lie." Isaac tells me, before sitting on the floor.

How am I? I don't even know how I feel right now, everything is just happening so fast. First I find Erica's body, and now I'm helping trap Boyd and Cora in the school. I'm too confused to concentrate on any emotion right now.

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