CHAPTER 1: "Happy now princess?"

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Chapter one! LETS GO super excited to start this enjoy! And I hope you are having a wonderful day/night/afternoon. :) -CulturedxSoul 

I loved books, the way it gets you tired when you can't sleep, how it makes you feel like you have a screen in you're head creating the image of what you're reading and how you can get attached to a world thats not yours. 

But this book was not one of those books "God I hate AP English...I wish I never signed up for it knowing the summer assignment was going to be reading this damn book" I grumbled.  

(It was the epic Beowulf)

"Ha, its not so bad Liz at least we are suffering together"  Dom said not leaving his stare on the book but a small smirk emerges as I just glare at him. 

At that moment the main door unlocks and in walks Will with his normal charming smile, small man bun and broad shoulders striding in to the living room.

"Come on punks I've got dinner!" Will yelled out 

I slowly smiled in my mind but just turned to him and said "what did you get?"

"your favorite, Thai" he says with a smile 

"did you forget my chili sauce?" Dom asked still not taking his eyes of that dreadful book

"always" Will blurted out now in the dining area unpacking the boxes of wonderful Thai food

Dom and I make our way to the dining area grabbing plates and utensils, my mouth is watering by the aromas of pad thai and tom kha (aka a fried noodle dish with a certain type of meat & other things and a chicken coconut soup). 

"you really know the way to my heart Will" I say with a light grin

"you know it babe" he smiles 

"hey you really did forget my sauce!" Dom says slightly disappointed

"no dummy they just stuffed it all the way down the bag" Will retorted 

Finally finding the sauce buried with the tissues and receipt Will gives him the sauce, "here, happy now princess?" 

"oh Will you really do know the way not just to Liz's heart but mine too" Dom says mocking my voice jokingly

I couldn't help but smile and let out a small laugh as I look down at my plate.

"theres that famous smile" Dom smiles back 

"haven't seen that in a while" Will adds 

I just give them a warm glare and silence broke out as we all fulfilled our hunger. 


My alarm goes off as I slam its button 5 AM

Yes, I wake up extra early to jog around our house to get in my daily cardio. Running was a passion of mine for a while, I was even on my school cross country team until...things changed. I got out of bed with ease and let out a low growl. My inner beast craved activity and the full moon was growing closer, it was this Sunday. But as an alpha I've grown to control my beast and we have grown stronger, closer with my methods. I run, I challenge myself academically and physically everyday. 

I make my way to my bathroom and do my normal routine, put my hair up, brush my teeth and use the toilet. I walk over to my closet and pick out my standard running clothes, a pair of leggings, a sport bra and top. Then put on my Nikes and make sure everything is in check. I look at my phone as I check my schedule I soon let out a growl of irritation. 

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