CHAPTER 5: "Close"

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I jump up startled in Dom's room, its pitch black and all I could see is the small shadows of drops of rain on the window next to me. I hear shuffling in the house and a loud thud, I rush to my feet in full focus to Dom's door to see this intruder. 

I slowly shift my eyes down the hall and in a swift couple of steps I find myself in the living room with Will and Dom about to set each others plates with pizza. 

I slowly give out a loud sigh 

"God don't do that" I say 

"Sorry Liz clumsy Will here dropped his phone... again" Dom said with a sly tone. 

"Shut it" Will states as he gets a slice of pizza  

Suddenly I felt this odd heat within my body and for some odd reason I felt a huge wave of warm shocks through my neck and back.   

I fell to my knees and just growled to myself. I tried to speak but I couldn't I just looked up to two worried faces kneeling in front of me. 


I cant believe I dropped my phone again... I swear this was like the seventh time this week. But I didn't care, I was starving and I needed food thank god Dom was smart enough to grab a pizza on the way home after his tutoring session. 

I was just about to bite into the most beautiful slice of cheese pizza until I heard her. 

Liz was on the floor trying to catch her breath, she started to claw and growl at the floor just as her eyes started to burn red. Dom and I tried to get her up or even talk but she couldn't even mouth a word she just growled. 

I approached her cautiously and tried to grab her hand but she refused and balled up her hands into fists trying not to turn. 

"Liz...Listen to me...don't hold back" I say 

Dom just punches me in the arm hard 

"OW...WHAT DOMINIC...SHE NEEDS TO TURN!" I yell my eyes slowly turning blue 


He's right we can never control Liz in full alpha mode she is much stronger than us... but what do we do? 

Thats when she screamed 

She was changing; her eyes in full power as she roared to announce that alpha Elizabeth was alive. 

The sound was dominant, authoritative, and all-powerful throughout the house and probably even the whole town. 

Dom and I bowed at the sound to show respect to our leader as out eyes quickly changed on instinct. 

I couldn't believe it, I've never seen Liz with this much power; her beast was just as beautiful as her. 

Her alpha form rose before us; she was short in human form about 5'2 but as her alpha was a solid six feet. Her fur was a jet black as her eyes burned an intense blood red. Her fangs elongated and white, while her claws were out ready to kill. 

She took a step closer to us growling a deadly stare I've never seen before. 

"A-alpha are-" Dom tried to say but was rudely interrupted 

"I need to run. I need to kill." Her alpha said within our minds. 

And thats when she kicked off the floor and sprinted out the door. 

"Will find out what the fuck is going on with Liz, I'll follow her to make sure she doesn't harm anyone" I say in an authoritative voice. 

It took a good minute for me to catch up with Liz, it seemed like she knew where she was going as if something was pulling her. 



Mate is...close 

ALRIGHT! here we are the 5th chapter it took me a good minute to figure out what I really wanted to do because I had a lot of ways I could have turned this but I chose this one, I wanted to test out different point of views (POV) with this one and I plan to do it again real soon  :) Also just a mental note quotes that are in italics are usually Liz's inner beast talking just to clear any questions about that. I hope all is well happy reading -CulturedxSoul 


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