CHAPTER 9: "Don't doubt me Liz..."

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I left

I felt the soft ground beneath my feet, I felt horrible my body became grey and cold. My beast felt devastated and cried out within me. 

Before I knew it I was home and surprisingly the windows filled with yellow light through the boy's windows.

"They are awake...they are waiting for me..." I whispered to myself 

Just as I made it to the door it opened and there was Will engulfing me into his arms. 

I didn't move and I didn't cry I was still and just took in his embrace.

He lets go of me and leads me in just as I appear through the living room I see Dom coming out of the hallway. 

"Liz we need to talk" he stated 

"Not now Will... it's-" I said as I was cut off

"Liz I know you don't want to talk but you need to listen" Dom declared 

Thats when two arms pulled me toward the couch, my whole body became tense but then soon weakened because I was...tired.

I sat quietly as Dom sat in front of me analyzing me as he took out a packet of what seemed to be an article.

"Liz I just want to start off by saying that what I am about to explain to you is real and something that can help you... but its up to you whether you want to accept it" he says raising his hands up in defense.

I just nod to let him begin.

"Liz tonight led me to discover that you possibly might have...found your...mate" he said hesitantly 

I just looked at him now grabbing my full attention "Go on" I said

He gazed over the article of papers once more are started to explain everything he found. All about the effects on alpha to alpha connection, the changes, the consequences and for some odd reason I was at ease. I was slowly falling back into place by Dom's explanation but when he stopped I still needed more answers. 

"And Liz I think whoever you saw tonight might be him..." He trailed off once more and looked at me intently waiting for a response. 

Will now enters the room with a tray filled with cups of tea. 

"So Liz who is this alpha mate demi god of yours that makes you go psycho?" Will asks jokingly but as soon as he said that I gripped his neck tight stopping his oxygen. 

"LIZ" Dom shouts as he tried to get my grip to loosen on Will but that didn't work I was too strong. 

"Don't ever talk ill about about him...about my m-" just as I was about to say the M word I felt a spark of warmth flood through my arm and I let go. 

Will covers his neck trying to regain his breath. 

"Liz... I- I'm s-s-orry..." Will manages to gasp out.

I then avert my eyes to Dom "Dom give me everything you know about this... I need to understand... I need to know...please" I said with kind eyes and Dom just stood there but handed me the article of papers as he got up and lead me to his room. 


I didn't notice the sun rising from Dom's window, I sat there typing, scrolling, and reading away as much as my eyes and mind could absorb. I've been reading for hours but I only grew more curious more determined to find my answers. The clock read 6AM as I looked around I stayed in Dom's room to use his study desk and computer, he kept it neat and organized. He was different from a lot of guys but still had the hormones of any guy. He desires a mate or even a soul mate to match his heart and his crave for a real true love, he's a hopeless romantic but he will get there at least he's not dealing with my situation. But then again its hard for me to believe this, all the evidence, proof, the facts are all here staring me in the face almost mockingly but how much could I trust. 

Should I even trust this... 

"Liz" Dom said groggily from his bed 

"Are you still researching?" He asks 

"Yes" I say bluntly 

He lets out a small chuckle "You know you can read and analyze all you want but the only way you will find peace with this is if you actually talk with this person right? You cant avoid him forever Liz he might be your-" 

"Don't Dominic... not yet... I don't know yet... and what do you know... you don't know how I feel or what even happened" I snapped            

His eyes now steady on mine "Don't doubt me Liz, you are my best friend, my family and I know you like second nature but this... this attitude, rage, passion is beyond my knowing and no one will even know how you feel because we aren't supposed to... you have to live with this its your future not ours."

I was speechless because he was right. 

I gave him a low growl and continued to scroll down on the last article from the twenty millionth page I was reading. 

Thats when the door bell rang and I felt everyone in the house wake. We all knew who this was his scent and power radiated through the whole premises of our home. 

Here we are Chapter 9!  Sorry to leave you guys with a cliffhanger but hey that means I get to keep you interested right? Who's at the door? Why is Dom the greatest friend ever? Do you agree with him or Liz? And ouch on Will's neck Liz didn't even apologize crazy isn't it?   Not gonna lie guys its hard not to just let all the secrets out now but I want to drag this out. I hate how it feels to have like a 20-30 chapter story to read on here and once you finish it feels like it's not enough but I now really get how hard it is to do that over 30 chapters leap trust. We shall see how this carries out I hope you are liking this so far. I wish you the best of days and nights and Happy Christmas. Till the next one -CulturedxSoul.   

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