Chapter 14: "Yes, yes it does"

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Liz P.O.V.

"I will ALWAYS be yours Elizabeth..." 

"No matter how much you hate it, how much you don't believe it we are always together..." 

"Just remember the way I hold you, the way I kiss you the way I hurt you... you are MINE Elizabeth" 


My alarm goes off its 6AM. I jolted right up drenched in sweat and panting like a madwoman. I heard his voice, his poisonous voice. I shivered at the thought, it felt so real but it was only a nightmare... a dangerous terrifying nightmare. 

I needed to run...I needed to breathe...I needed to feel the world the real world and not think about him, he is far, far, away... he is non-existent. 

Finding my pace on the unmistakable trail that I take everyday I felt loose and free away from my toxic dream. I run to clear my mind and to settle my beast. We were off to a rocky morning, I block out all negativity and run with the cold air awakening my senses to the real world. 

I make it back on my usual schedule as the house sounds in alarms marking 7:30 AM. Followed by the usual grunts and moans from the guys. I didn't even bother checking on them to make sure they don't drift back to sleep but I was not in the mood. I finished my morning routine with a breath I didn't know I was holding while I made a cup of tea. 

I soon felt my phone vibrate with a group message in progress. 

"Great" I mutter to myself. 

I forgot it was Friday, the weekly alpha meeting was tonight and by the looks of the message the main topic of discussion was Cedric. I scroll to see how the group has developed tonights meeting but all thats talked about is the "New Alpha". I scoff at the topic and finally found the main message that started it all and the only important one at that:

**Tonight's meeting will begin at 8:30 PM at Alpha Kendrick's residence: Topics that will be discussed:

1. Alpha Cedric Westbrook 

2. Alpha Nature

3. Progress of the town 


I stare at my screen for a moment of the topic order and suddenly feel nervous but fiery about how the alpha's will be introduced to Cedric. My thoughts about the meeting and Cedric where intercepted with Will joining me in the kitchen. 

"Morning Liz" He says 

"Morning Ace" Dom adds in 

I turn to them both "Someone is watching too much Gilmore Girls?" I smirk at Dom

He ignores my comment as he patiently waits for the coffee to brew. 


We all head for the door until I noticed that I never got my car back yesterday after Cedric kidnapped me from school. Will and Dom returned my backpack and phone even my keys but didn't even think to get my car. 

"Guys where is my car?" I question

They both stop in their tracks as they look at each other 

"I told you you had to get it back!" Dom semi-yelled to Will 

"I thought you had her keys asshole!" Will replied 

"Guys just one of you take me and I'm assuming its where I left it at school... which by the way if we don't leave right now we will be late" I say calmly.

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