The Turnabout Investigators

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-Fourteen Months Earlier- 

Breakfast was an unusual affair. Not much was said, but a lot could be found in what was not spoken aloud. The darting glances at Luke, the concerned glares, held in place by two parents who just wanted to know that they would see their son again at the end of the day.

Hershel could feel the unease slice through the room like a sword through a mummy, and so he coughed politely. Luke's silent sigh of relief did not go unnoticed by him.

"I cannot speak for Luke's actions. All I can say is he took a great risk, and though that almost ensured he fell prey to the iron fist of the law, it has just proven that Luke has an iron heart just as mighty. I cannot say that my actions have always been within the boundaries of the law, however, I am of course, much older. I made a promise that I would keep Luke from trouble, and so while Luke may have fell down a step, I too have failed in my promise."

Clark made to protest, but Hershel only smiled and continued.

"It is the duty of every gentleman to admit his mistakes, and although you see me as an incorruptible figure perhaps, I am just a man, and thus able to stumble. As Luke did. And he shall stumble again, as is life. So I ask that you worry not, for though I was unable to protect Luke this one time, I promise, should you let us continue with our investigation, that I will do all that is within my power to ensure Luke's safety."

There was an uneasy silence then, as both Triton parents looked to each other, sending signals only they could understand. Finally, they both turned back, and slowly, their lips formed into smiles. Clark places his hands over his wife's, as she spoke.

"We never doubted you, Hershel. And we don't wish to stop you from solving this mystery." Luke looked up, his head before bowed, certain his adventure with the Professor was over before it truly begun, and a grin stretched out.

"But," she continued, offering both the Professor and Luke with a cautious, yet mischievous grin. "We ask that you not let Luke out of your sight, should he feel the urge to sneak away and try and impress again."

It was the Professor's and Luke's turn to turn to each other now, smiles broad on their faces.

"Of course!" they said together. Luke crossed his arms and closed his eyes smugly.

"No need to worry, mum! I won't risk the Professor's name again, or my life! I shall stick by his side at all times!"

Brenda and Clark gave relieved sighs and both stood, pulling each other into a hug.

"That is wonderful to hear," Clark said softly, gesturing for their son to join the hug. Hershel watched with a wide smile as the family embraced once more before him.

"Come on," Brenda tutted, turning her head around from the huddle to face Hershel. "You're part of this family too! Or did we not say that already?"

Hershel blushed, but instead of protesting, he simply joined in on the Triton family hug.

Hmm, he thought fondly. What luck have I to have friends as close as this?


"So, what's our first step then, Professor?!" Luke exclaimed, hopping from one foot to the next as the two made their way to the bus stop.

"Well, with this denied permission form you have acquired, it would appear that we have to uncover exactly what transpired between Auriolus and this national park. I am sure if we visit the park ranger in charge, we shall get to the bottom of this mystery."

On the bus, Luke almost bounced with delight as he spoke of all they could do to bring down Auriolus. Naturally, he never mentioned the name.

"There might be spies on this very bus!" he had proclaimed, keeping his voice hushed.

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