Mounting the Offensive

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-Fourteen Months Earlier-

Luke found himself almost dizzy. This was all very exciting; it was like the Professor had his very own army. Well, not quite, but there were so many people!

Hershel addressed the crowd, standing before the whiteboard with the files incriminating Auriolus displayed along it. He coughed to gather their attention, and soon the murmurs died down and silence fell.

"Auriolus is a large and powerful company. In the past, they have covered up their acts against nature, bribing officials, threatening some, and disposing of others. Today I bring to you evidence that will begin to bring down the seemingly impenetrable walls of the fortress they have created.

"Your part is simple; the country, indeed the world needs to know that Auriolus is poisoning the land, and must be stopped. Luke and I are but two people, but with a group as large as yours, we are a force to be reckoned with. We shall bring the fight to their gates, and with the fire started, soon it will catch, and the walls will crumble. Their defences destroyed, their excuses scattered, we will expose them for who they really are."


It was Hershel that highlighted the issue at hand.

"Of course," he had said, as the two made their way via bus to a location the Professor had not yet disclosed to Luke. "Having this evidence is our advantage, but Auriolus is a corporation. It comprises of hundreds of people all working towards one goal.

"For years, they have slipped free from the justice system, disposing of their enemies, and planting their own members in positions of power. It is quite likely that the police chief is but one of such corrupt individuals, however, we do not need to find them all. Our most important ally in the fight to bring Auriolus down is the police themselves. If we cannot rely on them, we are doomed."

"But Professor," Luke had protested, flipping through pages in his journal, trying to find his latest notes on this Auriolus mystery. "If what you say is true, and we are far outnumbered, doesn't that mean we need allies? Surely the police are not our allies right now?"

"You are quite right," Hershel had grinned in reply. "And so to begin our attack, we must expose Auriolus. With enough media attention, they will be weakened. If we were to bring the documents forward anonymously, any number of forces could stop us. That is why we require the help of those who would spark the fire, and turn eyes to the doors of Auriolus."

"And just who do you have in mind? Who are we going to now for help?"

Hershel closed his eyes, a wide smile on his lips.

"Why, a mob of protestors, of course."


And so the two had found themselves at the door of the N.P.A., the Nature's Protectors Alliance: a group dedicated to protecting the environment and stop the greedy corporations. But not before they made two trips: the first to purchase a camera, and the second: one last trip to the National Park. Sure enough, Hershel found what he was looking for: the construction workers had started to tear away at the surrounding trees, bulldozers and the like destroying nature with no mercy.

Luke, too horrified to speak or move, was shaken into action by Hershel.

"Come, Luke. The best thing we can do to protect this beauty is to show the world what is happening to it."

Luke found a firm resolve then, and quickly began to snap photos of the machines as they tore through dozens of trees by the minute, and animals scattered for their lives. Hershel was proud of Luke's bravery, and though he could see how much Luke was fighting to stay composed, he firmly believed that Luke would fight through the pain.

Professor Layton and the Angel's ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now