Coming Soon - New Project!!!

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As promised, a little Christmas surprise.

I said before I wouldn't have time for a new Layton book, but I don't quite want to leave this world behind. So I had a brilliant idea. I'm pleased to announce I plan to work on a Layton short story collection. It will feature tales from different characters across the games, from Descole to Crow. As a little treat, these are the stories that will feature in it (some are subject to change)

A Father's Promise:

Jean Descole, criminal mastermind and acrobatic sword fighter with a flair for the dramatic. But he wasn't always this way. Once, he was Hershel Bronev, brother to Theodore (now known as Hershel Layton), with a loving mother and father. After his parents were kidnapped, the two orphans were forced to separate into different families, Hershel giving his name to his brother to give him the chance of a better life. They would one day meet again, as foes. Then finally as friends.

But before then, he adopted a new identity: Desmond Scyamore. With a wife and daughter, his life was perfect, and he forgot about seeking vengeance. But Targent haven't forgotten about him, and now his family are in danger.

Spring Cleaning:

What starts off as a little spring cleaning spirals into mayhem as Flora tries to help those around her, but as the requests pile on and the weight of it all proves too much for her, Flora will find it will take all she has to make things right again.

Oh, and it doesn't help when your boyfriend is off entertaining in festivals leaving you behind to clean all the bat droppings and spider webs.

A Touch of Yellow:

A boy found in a scarf, now the leader of the Black Raven; Crow is an exceptional young man, yet when all that ties him to his mother is stolen, Crow will do whatever it takes to get it back, even if it means sacrificing who he is.

A Bow Fit for a Gentlewoman:

A lover's grave; a grandmother's bow. A newborn child. Hershel Layton has encountered wonders beyond belief, yet nothing can prepare him for this truly extraordinary day.

With these stories, I want to highlight some of the incredible characters we've come to know over the course of the games, and each story represents a different tone. A drama, a comedy, shocks and touching moments, and so much more. I could have gone overboard and written a dozen stories for so many different characters, but I wanted to have a little variety, and also I knew choosing too many would set me up for an impossible goal. I would never finish the whole thing by 2018 and then I might drop it. Consider it the right length, and I am sure you will be delighted by the stories found within.

Each character has their own unique story to tell, from familiar faces (Flora, Layton), and ones only touched upon in my stories (Descole, Crow), and of course other friendly people shall make their appearances. It will make for one entertaining blast, I can tell you that.

These stories shall be found in...

'Tales From Professor Layton: The Bow, the Scarf and the Oath-bound Mask' 

-Coming 2017*-

*Note: For those worried they might miss it (a date isn't clear yet when it will come out) and who don't follow me - I understand if you are only interested in my Layton stories - I shall post an update here when it begins!

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Wishing you all a merry Christmas/xmas/whatever you celebrate, and if you don't celebrate anything, just a pleasant end of 2016. Next year will be big. Not only is this short story coming, but so is Lady Layton! Layton fans, we shall be reborn from the ashes once more!!! ;D

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