A New Era

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And so life, like seasons changing, did continue, but Hershel's story was not yet over. Certainly he would have liked to have put the past behind him, but puzzles still remained unsolved, questions lingering in the air that no hint coin could solve.

Hershel knew his business with Costillos wasn't at an end. A week had passed since the picnic at Hyde Park, and Luke was to leave the following Sunday. That gave them just four days left with him, but Flora wasn't letting them waste any second. Already she was off with Luke exploring the city, making the most of their time. Sofia and Alexai had decided to stay a little longer, but Randall and his family had left to warm goodbyes the previous day, promising to throw a celebration the next time Hershel was in Monte d'Or.

Clive had been just as eager as ever, seeking out their next mystery. His quest to find a suitable name for their future department in Scotland Yard - should it ever come to fruition - involved all those he could find. He was delighted when Luke suggested a few names, and Hershel was sure Flora, Luke and Clive were in cohoots to create some ingenious name to spring on him. He could not wait to hear what clever name they came up with. More than anything though, he was just pleased to see them all getting along so well. Luke and Clive got on swimmingly, and standing side by side, the similarities were striking. But then Luke would smile at the Professor, and that gentle gesture would bring onto Hershel a world that was entirely different to the mischief Clive sought. It promised untold adventures and endless fun. With a little bit of heart thrown in there.

Hershel was always waiting for Luke to suggest the next impossible adventure; but Luke and Flora had been spending a lot of time together, not revealing to the others what they were getting up to. If Emmy hadn't assured him that young love was not to be disturbed, he would have kept a close eye on them, but as it was, she had occupied much of his mind, and he had done little but spoil her with romantic dinners and long walks alone. Such time was seldom theirs; when not making the most of their time remaining with Luke, Hershel would accompany Clark to the Natural History Museum to see his old colleagues, including Doctor Chenegra and Professor Stein. It was infectious seeing the man so animated around a place so filled to the brim with nothing but death and ancient artifacts, and often Luke joined these little trips, learning much. Naturally this meant Flora had to accompany them, even if fossils did bore her.

Though such trips were not Flora's taste, it was in entertaining young Alexai that Flora seemed to have the most fun. The bright young boy wanted to see everything London had to offer. He had never been out of Folsense before, and London presented a world of opportunities that were endless for him. Sofia didn't seem too enamoured with the city herself, and she had just remarked it was too stuffy and she had too many bad memories. "The air was cleaner," she said, "in the countryside. But I'll give you this, Hershel. Despite the griminess and the constant noise, there's a certain beauty to this rusty old place."

Hershel knew Flora had found a lifelong friend in Alexai, and the young woman was torn between holding Alexai's hand as he dragged her about, and sticking to Luke's side. It was a fight that meant her cheeks never lost a bright red colour, but she didn't stop smiling.

With so much to do, and so little time to do it in, it came as a surprise when Costillos came knocking on his door. He came in the form of a letter. Clive brought it in with the rest of the mail, and as Hershel flicked through the letters, his eyes shot open to see the letter was sent from 10 Downing Street.

Tearing it open, his eyes fixed upon the words of a man who had caused him so much pain.

'To Professor Hershel Layton,

My career was never one built on rainbows. I cut corners, took the easy path, and I've had to live with those decisions. After recent events, it has become clear to me that I can no longer escape my past. There is much you, and Costillos Monriel need to know. I request that you meet me this Friday at the prison Mr Monriel is being held at 10am on the dot. I have extended this invitation to Dimitri Allen as well. Please be prompt.

Professor Layton and the Angel's ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now