The Turnabout Demon - Part Seven

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"I feel like we'll never stop seeing this place," Luke sighed, offering a weak laugh as they pulled into the Los Angeles Police Department yet again. Hershel nodded an agreement, but kept a smile firm on his face. It helped to show confidence in such pressing times. Luke clearly picked up on it and livened up, almost jumping up and down out of his seat. Alexandros seemed different, looser. He was starting to see how his father, a man so tyrannical and oppressive in his life, could be defeated. Here he was among the people who could do it. He had grasped at the smallest speck of hope when he first met Luke, aware of the boy's past with the Professor, but it was just that: a speck. He didn't fully believe it could happen, and many times he wished to just withdraw into himself and cry, alone in the darkness as he had been accustomed to.

Now... Now he had friends, more than just allies. These people actually cared about him, and were doing everything in their power, risking their own necks just to help him. He felt like he didn't deserve this, and yet he couldn't keep the grin off his face. Yes, things were looking up. They really were on the final stretch.

Jumping out of the car, there was a feeling in the air of family as they headed towards the station with a spring in their step. Then realisation hit Luke like a brick in the face.

"But... What if Brand is there?"

The others paused at that, and Phoenix began to stroke his chin. Hershel offered them their relief.

"It is highly unlikely. Such a prolific trial is sure to throw him into the public spotlight. It is quite likely he is at his house, fighting off a wave of reporters at his door."

Hershel's words cut through the tension like a knife through butter, and openly sighing, they pressed on into the station, the humdrum of police life feeling like second nature now. As officers walked briskly past them, mugs of coffee in some hands, files in others, the group felt there was a certain unease in the air – a hint of disarray. People were moving far too quickly, and there were lines on many a face. Phoenix pulled aside one officer.

"Excuse me. Is something going on?"

The officer was small, clearly nervous, protruding eyebrows doing little to hide his frantic eyes.

"I-I-m afraid the Chief has just... Up and vanished! Poof!"

With that, the officer, hurried off, muttering something about the warehouse of paperwork he had to fill in. Phoenix watched the man disappear among filing cabinets and other distressed faces, and he sunk in a little.

"Poof..." he murmured, feeling quite lost. Luke stepped forward, finger raised, a determined grin shining.

"Come on! This is perfect! If he has run off, that leaves the office to us!"

Without losing haste, the others moved quickly into the Chief's office... And were met with a disturbing sight.

"Where has everything gone?" Luke exclaimed, trailing off as he looked about the almost empty room. Apart from the desk, chairs and filing cabinet, everything was cleared out, only a few stray papers lying about, filing cabinet draws flung open displaying their lack of content.

The group moved about the room pitifully, slow, as if their legs were dragging through water, and they began to touch things uselessly, as if hoping Brand might have missed something.

After circling the room for the fourth time, the members of Team Layton lost all energy, and Luke could do little but bend down to examine the same piece of paper, as if he might have missed some vital clue.

"This is..." Luke breathed, unable to finish his sentence.

"Wrong!" Alexandros choked, holding back tears. "This is wrong! We've come so far... This can't..."

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