Deadlox x Reader~ Prom

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**You can change colour and pattern if you wish**

You were walking with Ty on of your best friends from school (Pretend you're still at school). He turned to you and smiled. You giggled because it was sort of an awkward smile. " y-y-n d'ya w-ann-a... gotopromwithme." He asked stuttering. "Of course I will!" You exclaimed throwing your hands in the air. You intertwined your hand with Ty's. He leaned down to you and kissed you. You (eye colour) eyes fluttered closed and you pulled him closer by throwing your hands around his neck. He snaked his arms around your waist. You stood there and just kissed you felt like fireworks were exploding around you. The passion that he kissed you with.


You slipped into your (colour) heels/flats and jewellery. You checked yourself out in the mirror making sure anything wrong would be righted. It was perfect. Your (colour) dress fitted perfectly with your (colour) heels/flats and your (colour) jewellery. Your makeup was almost natural (sorry girly girls but I'm not a girly) the (red/pink/orange/maroon) or other colour lipstick coloured your lips amazingly.

Then there was a knock at the door. You heard your parent(s) open it and you also heard Ty say "Hello, I'm here to pick up y/n for prom." Your parent(s) replied in a "hmm."
You walked down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. Ty couldn't keep his eyes off you. 'She's beautiful.' He thought. "You look gorgeous y/n." He complimented. "Awww.. thanks Ty you look handsome. As always." He blushed on your last comment.


You arrived at Prom after his friend Adam dropped you two off. He then shouted after you "Have fun... but not too much Ty!" Ty chuckled and his comment whilst you giggled and mentally face palmed. "We better get going." He said walking to the doors.

**This bit I don't know for sure cos I haven't had my Prom yet... sooo... enjoy**

"Y/n!" (Your best friend) screamed. "Hi." Ty said awkwardly. "Hi Ty!" (Your best friend) yelled. "You got here on the right time. They are about to decide who is the Prom Queen and King." You laughed "not me then."
"Even if you don't get Prom Queen, you still be my Queen." Ty whispered in your ear. (Your best friend) must of heard because she awe'd.

"Okay everyone. Prom Queen and King have been voted and the winners are..."

"Y/n L/n and Tyler Ellis." Miss Brown (idk) the headteacher said. You and Ty walked on stage hand in hand. People whispered and others awe'd. They placed the silver crown on your head and the golden (Adam: BUTTER!) 'Alright fine' butter crown on Ty's head.

You enjoyed that night for sure.

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And then you two had sex! XD (Jk)...

OR AM I???




YouTuber x Reader One Shots / Complete /Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin