Bo Burnham x Reader~ Are You Happy?

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You were incredibly proud of your boyfriend of 8 years, Bo.
However, you felt that sometimes the work got in the way of your relationship.

You were sitting on the sofa, Bruce snuggled up next to you, as you stroked his ears lightly as you heard the keys jingling.
"Bo!" You exclaimed, jumping up to cuddle your boyfriend. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your shorter frame.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" He asked, lifting your chin up with his two fingers.
"I've been missing you, the work and stuff keeps you away.." You mutter, as his lips curled downwards into a frown.

"I've been missing you too, Y/N- but I have some good news." He changed the subject, which you furrowed your eyrbrows at.
"What is it?" You questioned, tilting your head in confusion.

"I managed to get a hotel for the pair of us so you can come with me." He pecked your lips.
"What about Bruce?" you asked, to which he smiled, looking over at the dog asleep on the sofa.
"He's coming too." He replied.

You turned round, looking away from him as you heard his voice.
"Are you happy?" You knitted your eyebrows in confusion, "I am Bo- why'd you ask?" he snaked his arms around your waist, "You just didn't look it, I guess." He muttered.

You sighed, and walked towards the sofa, tapping the space next to it. "I've just missed you loads and the work gets in the way of me seeing you.." You sighed.

"The work makes me happy, Y/N- you do aswell, of course-" You scoffed, as his arms wrapped around you, "-You do, but this work is for us, to support our future family, if we choose to have one."

Your eyes softened as he gazed into them, you knew what he was saying was the truth.

"I'm sorry Bo, I just was getting anxious that you were seeing somebody else that was prettier and skinnier and-"

"-Don't you dare finish that sentence Y/N, you may not be perfect but you're near enough perfect for me. I would never choose somebody else over you, you're the girl I lose my virginity to, the girl I had a first proper crush on and the girl I used to think about when I.." He trailed off, his cheeks dusting pink," You get the idea." He finished.

You smiled lightly, "Was I really who you thought of?" You asked, as his face once again turned a light pink.

"Yeah, Y/N, you were." You giggled before kissing down his neck.

"Bo, I love you, I'm sorry about freaking out." He chuckled.

"Yeah, leave that for the bed." He winked, picking up you and carrying you up the stairs.

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