AmazingPhil x Reader~ Lion [REQUESTED]

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Author's Note: Another one shot for the AmazingPhil, I love him so much, he's great and all over a wall of mine. Here you go Freakofnaturex

"Phil?" (Y/N) asked her silly boyfriend. "Yes (Y/N)?" Phil answered. "I wuv you~" She cooed. He chuckled and kissed her on the lips, "I wuv you too."

"Oh NO!" (Y/N) exclaimed suddenly. "What?!" Phil yelled jumping up, ready to beat the crap out of an intruder. "Lion! He's gone!" (Y/N) shouted, frantically looking for Phil's cuddly toy lion. "NOOOO LION!" Phil wailed, and started searching for his furry friend immediately.

After minutes of searching, (Y/N) found him hidden in the duvets of their bed. "Found him!" She exclaimed, holding him up in the air by the paw. "Lion!" Phil yelled and grabbed the teddy and kissed it's head over and over. "I missed you." He whispered.

"Don't you ever do that again, we were worried sick!" Phil scolded Lion. "Philllllll...." (Y/N) groaned. (Not in that way you sicko) "Yes?" He questioned. "Muse!" She shoved her favourite Muse album in his face, he smiled and happily played the album. They started dancing round the room and just enjoying each other's company.

Lion watched from a safe place, though not being able to smile was happy, (Y/N) and Phil were like him and Lioness.

Brave, and together, made a great team!

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