Deadlox x Reader~ CHRISTMAS

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It was Christmas and your boyfriend Ty was getting super excited he wanted to give you your present. You wanted desperately to give him his present. New green headphones, since his old ones got smashed
(HULK SMASH!) when he was playing a hard game and he raged.
You had the decorations up since the 1st of December and you saw Adam (You live with Team Crafted and Adam is still apart of it) hanging up Mistletoe. Jerome and Mitch were kissing on the couch (Merome :3).
Time skip to Christmas Day.
You woke up at 9:00 Am and decided to get Ty up too so you shook him gently. He woke up and smashed his lips onto yours. You threw an arm around his neck and the other cupping his cheek. He snaked his arm around your waist and the other hand cupped your cheek, pulling you closer. Then you heard a cup drop and you both pulled away to see Adam mouth wide. Eyes open staring at you in shock. "It's Christmas and all you two care about is a kiss?" He questioned. You and Ty smiled. "She is my present... The best present ever."
You 'awe'd' and he kissed you again.


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