A New Arrangement

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Caine shoved Donovan onto the couch, he was still very angry at the boy's stupidity.

"Well how was I supposed to know this would happen?" Donovan shouted, "It's not like anybody bothered to tell me."

Caine rolled his eyes, "It does not matter that you knew nothing of the hunters, only that you seemed to have forsaken all logic when you killed. Surely, you should have thought that, after leaving a body in the middle of a park, that the police, at the very least, would be looking for someone."

Donovan blinked, "Oh crap, they... they won't find me will they?"

"They might, if you're not careful," Caine warned.

The boy shook his head, "No, I left a whole bunch of evidence. My fingerprints are on her and obviously there's DNA in my saliva."

"You're dead, Donovan, you don't leave DNA anywhere anymore. They can't trace you but they can still catch you and if they do, we'll all be in trouble."

"I'm sorry," Donovan said pathetically, "I was just so Damon hungry. I'm still hungry."

Caine nodded, "You're a Maragi, you will never stop being hungry."

Donovan raised an eyebrow, "Is that what you are? A Maragi? How do you control it?"

"I don't control it, I simply ignore it by keeping my mind busy. Read a book. Write a book, keep your mind and hands busy."

"What do you do?" he asked, "To keep busy?"

Caine smiled, "I write important things down. Some of the things you read in history class were probably penned by me."

Donovan grimaced, "Do I look like I have time for that?"

Caine laughed, it was the most amusing thing he'd ever heard, "Of course, you've got nothing but time and in that time you must learn to refrain from doing stupid things. Only take those who will not be missed... much."

"That is the most horrifying thing I have ever heard," Evelyn muttered.

Donovan didn't pay her much attention, "What do you mean? What kind of a person will not be missed?"

Caine shrugged, "Beggars, whores, criminals."

This seemed to put an idea in Donovan's mind, "Did you say wh..."

"No, do not stoop to that level," Caine said, "they are there to feed on. Nothing more, nothing less."

Donovan's eyes widened, "I heard vampires enjoyed that sort of thing. You've probably done it yourself so why reprimand me?"

Caine held up three fingers, "Three. My wife, my second wife and a woman who I was courting."

Morwenna tilted her head, "What happened to her?"

"She died," he replied, "her name was Freya."

Morwenna frowned, "Freya? Was her surname Craven?"

Caine nodded, "Yes, did you know her?"

"I met her at a party in uni," she replied, "she stayed here for a while before going back to Ireland. Lovely girl. What happened to her?"

"She was turned to ash by sunlight, now back to what I was saying; Donovan, only people who will not be missed much, understood?"

Donovan gave him a sad excuse for a salute, "Yes, sir!"

Caine nodded, "Good, and you will need to stay here for a while. Wait for the dust to settle."

"Not another one," Evelyn mumbled, "Caine, I get that you own the house but it is my home and I would appreciate it if you'd discuss these things with me first."

"Only for a while," Caine tried to reassure her.

Evelyn's glare intensified, "No."

Donovan contorted his face into something reminiscent of a ducks backside, "Please? I'll be no trouble."

Evelyn shook her head, "No, and puppy eyes will not work on me."

Caine arched a brow, puppy eyes? Is that what he was trying to achieve? It wasn't working, "Evelyn, please, just until I'm sure he won't get himself killed."

She folded her arms, "And how long will that be?"

"Until he's decent with a blade and can fire a gun," Caine replied, "so I'd say no more than three, maybe four, weeks."

"I don't think it'll be such a short time," Donovan mumbled.

Caine tilted his head, "Oh? Well your alternative is; I give you to one of the English covens who will, if you can't fight or be useful, hand you to the hunters themselves."

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