A New Plan

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"Why didn't you just let me kill her?" he demanded, as he fought to get the gauntlets off his arms, "You'd rather she develops that power? You'd wait until she becomes a real problem?"

Waylon hadn't gone with them. He'd been told to stay put with the others so he hadn't seen anything. Fiona hated it, she hated sitting idle while she could be fighting vampires. She hated working with vampires.

The vampire, who had yet to provide them with a name, sighed, "She's far too precious to me, and you. You do not yet know why, but you will."

The other vampire, the lord, stirred in the corner. They'd put him on a booth after he'd supposedly been electrocuted.

"I think you should tell him now, y'know," he said, "tell everybody now. Put us all out of our misery."

"I don't know why you're complaining Jonathan," said the vampire, "you know. You know the whole story."

"Eh, I'd like to hear it again," Lord Alexander replied, "it is, after all, a rather intriguing story."

The young man, Waylon knew only as 'The Necromancer', got the braces of his wrists and removed his gloves. He looked rather intimidating in that armour and knowing his power and what he could do made it worse.

"Yes, do tell," he said, "we'd all love to know."

"No, you will find out when the time is right and I, in all honesty, will probably not be the one to show you," the vampire replied, "now instead of boring me with questions, why don't you listen? Caine is back in Romania, they needed him to sort out the little problem we caused. Thank you, Solomon. Our aim is to bring down the Draculesti coven and set up a new power i.e. Lord Alexander's coven, thus making way for a safer means of vampirism," he was good a bs-ing his way through things, Waylon knew there was no way humans would be safer, "and maybe drawing up some kind of peace settlement with the Hunters..."

"Yes, and what do you get out of all of this?" Fiona interrupted, "Don't think I don't know you have some ulterior motive."

The vampire smiled, "Of course I do, dear, but that's none of your concern, I'd just like to have Caine at my mercy. Why, is not really your business. So what we're going to do is, we're going to Castle Dracula and we are going to take Castle Dracula and then once I have Caine, you can do what you want, are we clear?" No one replied and the vampire took it as silent agreement, "Good, then let's arrange that."

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