Magic With Magic

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Waylon drummed his fingers on the table anxiously. Fiona sat across from him and massaged her temples. Evan stared grimly into his whiskey.

"I know that didn't really go to plan," Waylon said, "but..."

"Didn't go to plan?" Evan interrupted, "Didn't go to plan! Four people are dead because of it! Why did you decide to take a vampire on, on his own damn turf?"

Waylon blinked, "His turf is a castle in Romania. That house belongs to that girl."

Evan's eyes blazed with a fury he'd only seen on a Maragi before, "No you stupid git! Did you see how fast he moved? How... how elegantly?"

Waylon leaned forward on his elbows, "That is Caine," he whispered, "he always moves like that."

Fiona shook her head, "No, Waylon, although that may be true, what we saw today was a vampire on his own ground."

Waylon shook his head, "No, that place belongs to the English girl. I watched it. He's just staying there."

Fiona glared at him, "Waylon, instead of arguing with us, the question you should be asking is why does a vampire as old as Caine have a house in England and why is there a random girl living in it? Got me?"

Waylon stared at the table, pondering the question. He went over everything he knew about Caine. The recent spat with the Blood Witches. The Blood Witches! He snapped his fingers as the idea came, they might know something and, as far as he knew, they hated vampires as much as he did.

"What are you thinking?" Evan asked.

"You'll see later," Waylon answered but right now we need to prepare for new members. There are some new recruits coming in tonight."

Fiona looked around, "New recruits!" she hissed, "Eoin has a hole in his chest, Kyle has no more blood in his body, Jason has no head and David has a sword in his stomach. Oh yeah, and you were bloody stabbed earlier!"

Waylon rolled his eyes and instinctively touched his side, it had been stitched up and it hurt like hell, "It's nothing."

"Bull!" Fiona spat, "That sword, it's different. There's something off about it. It's magic, I think."

Waylon smiled, "A magic sword?"

Evan nodded, "Yeah, she's right. Don't know how you can't see it."

Waylon's grin widened, "Well if he has a magic sword, then we fight magic with magic."

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