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Donovan found himself standing opposite Caine. Caine was not as bulky as Ragnar and Ragnar had almost beaten him so Donovan figured it wouldn't be that much worse.

"Shall I attack first or will you?" Caine asked, twirling one of the Kris knives he'd selected around his finger.

Donovan eyed the dagger and glanced at his claymore, "Are you sure that's what you want to use?"

Caine twirled the dagger in the opposite direction he had been twirling it, "I am."

Donovan stretched his shoulders then gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands. He couldn't handle it with one hand, the way Caine had. He focused his eyes on Caine and ran. He lifted the sword and swung at Caine's head. Caine ducked under the blade and sidestepped Donovan's  attempt to knock him over. Donovan sailed past him. A sharp, hot pain exploded in his left shoulder. Caine had cut him, he thought. He tripped over Caine's foot and realised what had actually happened. The Kris dagger was lodged in his shoulder. Caine pulled it out which proved to be more painful than when he'd put it in.

"I thought you said first to bleed!" Donovan exclaimed, turning into his back.

Caine shrugged, "You're bleeding."

Donovan was overwhelmed with disbelief, "You bloody stabbed me!"


Donovan sighed and got up. He knew he'd have to do it again and again until he got it right. This time, however, he didn't walk back to the sword rack; he attacked as soon as he got up and was absolutely stunned when what he heard was not Caine crying out but the clash of steel against steel. Caine's face betrayed no evidence of strain while shockwaves ran the length of Donovan's arms. Donovan drew back and attacked again, at Caine's legs this time, but again Caine's dagger was there to parry his blade. Caine took hold of the blade of claymore and pulled. It cut his hand badly but he didn't so much as flinch. Donovan's face crashed into Caine's chest and the dagger in his stomach did nothing to distract from his nose breaking. Caine pushed him over. Donovan coughed, spraying blood in the air. Cold fingers closed around his throat and proceeded to crush his trachea. It wasn't affecting his breathing - because he wasn't - but it hurt like hell and to add to the torture; Caine was putting pressure on the hilt of the dagger in his stomach.

He tried to speak but he couldn't get the words out. He wanted to tell Caine to stop but he couldn't speak.

"Fight!" Caine growled, "Fight me!"

Donovan reached up and gripped Caine's collar. He pulled and managed to flip Caine onto his back. Donovan jumped up and recovered. He rubbed his throat before retrieving the claymore. He tried to bend but the dagger stopped him. He pulled it out and threw it at Caine like he saw them do it in the movies. Caine raised his hand and the dagger went straight through. He stood up, blocked Donovan's swipe with his wrist and slapped him with the hand the dagger had pierced. The blade sliced through his cheek and he felt it against his tongue. He'd never known so much pain. Caine pulled it out of Donovan's cheek and his own hand then used the hilt to hit Donovan's forehead. The force caused a white light to flash in front of Donovan's eyes.

He fell and when his vision cleared Caine was above him. The Kris was coming for his throat. He rolled out of the way and found his claymore. He rolled to his feet and held the claymore out in front of himself.  He saw that the tip was resting on Caine's Adam's apple. Filled with joy, he willed his arms to thrust forward but found them being ripped sideways, left shoulder dislocated. Caine had hit his sword with a dagger and achieved that. Donovan allowed his mind to venture into the thought of what Caine might be able to do with a sword but before he could imagine any further, the blade of one of Caine's daggers was sliding across his neck. He'd had enough and he tightened his grip on the sword. He lifted it and swung with all that he had. It connected with something. Caine's neck; but it looked like the kind of cut one would achieve with a razor while shaving. He didn't think Caine had noticed but he lowered his weapons.

"Excellent," he said, "you'll probably be able to fight."

Ragnar smiled, "He cut you where it counts. I'm sure he'll be able to hold his own."

"B... but you stabbed me," Donovan stammered, "this is not fair."

Caine tilted his head, "Isn't it?"

Donovan shook his head, "No."

Caine chucked the Kris blades on the floor and spread his arms, "You want to stab me? Go ahead."

Donovan considered it for a moment, he did want to stab Caine but something told him not to so he didn't. He let go of the sword, it clattered on th floor.

Caine nodded, "That's what I thought. Now Ragnar has kindly offered you a place to stay that isn't Evelyn's couch so I will see you tomorrow."

Donovan could hardly believe it, "You want me to stay with him?"

Caine nodded, "Yes."

Donovan looked at Ragnar. He was fairly certain he'd be killed in his sleep. Ragnar let out a hearty laugh.

"Don't worry, little whelp," he said, "it's a nice place."

Caine nodded to both of them then strode out of the building.

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