Chapter IV

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10 in the morning. Already that much people in the bar. This was the only thing that confused me. Instead of drinking, they should get a job, ugh.

My finger toyed with the bordure of a glass, dodging the perverted stares and the gossiping whispers.

I had a pretty well shaped body, didn't want to look like a monkey neither. I guess that's what attracted all these men here. Such a disappoint.

However this wasn't the only thing on my mind. The incident from yesterday haunted me.

That man.

Did he really confess to the police? He looked pretty fancy, so it would be understandable if the police searched after me under his command. Even though he didn't look like the kind of guy to plaint at the police that easily.

He was skilled, pretty handsome and neutral. He didn't look like the average snitch.

Well, looks aren't everything, there's a 50-50 chance. I shouldn't be worrying that much over this, but this man was really menacing. I could never imagine that he could resist that cold tone of mine. He looked even colder than I am.

What was up with him? Why does that guy keep playing with my mind, even though he didn't do anything? I was surely overreacting.

The sound of a opening door, the one of the bar, attracted my attention.

Oh great.

It was him.

Why now out of all moments?

Somehow I didn't want him to recognize me. He could contact the authorities. No way I was gonna go to jail for "murder attempt".

His husky, deep voice made me snap.

"This doesn't look like a cafe. Damn you, Hanji."

I wanted to burst in laughter. I thought he'd be smarter than that. It was written in big flashy letters "BAR", over the main door. How could he mistake this for a cafe? I was such a dummy for worrying that he could make me go to jail.

Being the kind person I was, (irony level so high. Get it? High? We're in a bar? Yes I know, I should kms.) I decided to "help" him, even though there was a risk. Oh well, jail was surely better than this living hell of a neighborhood.

I approached him with caution, making sure to stare down for him to not recognize me. God I seemed ridiculous.

"Sir, the cafe you might be searching for is at the other side of the street.", I said to him, trying to be as sneaky as possible.

Without any hesitation he replied; "I might've missed it."

A cold but soft hand gripped my chin and swiftly directed my face to the other, his.

"Where are your manners, look at your listener when you're talking, bra-"

He was interrupted when his eyes widened, recognizing my facial. I never knew his dead panned expression could end up surprised this way.

No matter, he recognized me.

After a few seconds, his initial expression came back and he released my chin.

"And you're that clumsy woman, what a bad catch."

He clicked his tongue and stared away, heading outside.

"H-hey, idiot! Hold up, I need to ask you something!", I coldly replied, rushing to his side.

I couldn't live with the fear of knowing if I was researched or not. Freedom was my only gift.

I didn't even care if no one was in the bar to serve them.

"Does the police know?"

He stopped, his head tilting and his silver orbs staring at me. God, his gaze was freezing.

He released a noise. I was 300% sure it was a chuckle.

"Naive ass. I just wanted to know why the hell you wanted to hit me. Pretty dumb reason, I must say," he stopped, and turned back.

"You didn't even apologize."

What? He wanted me to apologize? He got some nerve.

I hated apologizing. It was pride wrecking. And then I thought about the cafe. Maybe I could...

"Instead of apologizing, could I get you a cup of coffee? Since you're too dumb to find the cafe yourself.", I replied.

He turned around once more. A frown was crossing his thin brows. I should've maybe thought twice before calling him names.

"Works for me. You're paying though.", he simply said.

"Have you never heard of manners? Men always pay for women.", I casually stated.

And he ended my trash talking career in a sentence.

"First of all, you're the one who should be working on your manners. You tried to hit me. Hell lot of manners, am I right?
Second of all, you're paying because you called me an idiot. Maybe you really do want me to talk about it to the authorities?", no more was added.

I was extremely offended, but he would always manage to shush me, or make me give in.

He was such an asshole for that.

I followed him in a slight hurry, and mumbled,


"Why are you thanking me, fucktard?"

I smirked sneakily to the insult and replied,

"For letting me keep my freedom."

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