Chapter XV

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I wished I could've nibbled a little longer on his silk looking lips. The silence that stood between us lasted for 2 minutes, at least.

His slightly parted lips exhaled with confusion. Somehow, I felt some satisfaction. Not in me, but in his breath. I didn't give any more attention to his tasty lips, and trailed my eyes down his exposed collarbone. A huge desire took control of me. His skin was spotless. The fact that he wasn't tan at all gave his skin a way better look. As if it begged me to cover it with red marks.

Just now, I didn't even care what he thought about me.

I'm a monster?

I'm a demon?

I'm a cannibal?

I didn't care anymore. It almost felt like my body craved for more and more, in fear he would go.

It was like he was frozen in place. Perfect.

I now could devour him, swallow his blood and flesh slowly to enjoy the heavenly combination.

His eyes weren't noticeable. His silk a like hair dropped over his forehead, hence covering his grey orbs.

Was I doing something wrong?

My hand that rested on his wrist trailed upwards uncontrollably, my fingers slipping through the friction of his forearm muscles, then his biceps.

When I almost reached his shoulder, his hand grasped my wrist brutally. I gasped.


His grip wasn't soft. It was rough, as if saying; 'enough'.

His chin lifted, to expose his frowning eyes. That frown wasn't in anger. It was in huge frustration and confusion.

True, I did steal his first kiss. Maybe he was mad at that. Did I care at this point?

Not a chance.

His orbs were no longer silver. They were shifting into a grey... Like the clouds at night. That grey.

Not that grey.

Not that stare.

It was the same color as the sky that night.

"You're no different than us, bitch."

Same stare they all gave me.

As if they wanted my death.

As if I didn't have a heart.

I swear I do have one, except when it came to Levi.

I just lose control when I'm with him.

I'm sure love wasn't as awful as that.

I was shaking.

Levi's eyes closed.

He inhaled.

Each one of his movements made me shiver.

What was he going to do?

Why did I care about what he thought now?

When he reopened his eyes, the deep silver was back. His frown dismissed, letting place to his usual one.

He released my wrist and bent down to pick up the medicine.

It was my turn to freeze. I was afraid of him, and at the same time, so envious.

My stare was blank, I kept looking in front of me, as if I just saw a zombie eating someone alive.

Why was I so afraid?

Levi's figure got back up, and he laid the pills on the nightstand.

He then turned around and stepped away.

He was fading away, slowly, till he left the room and closed the door behind him.


He had locked the door from outside.

What was he scared of?

Why would he do that?

I understand him.

Who would want a free psychopath in their own dorm?

I then let my arm fall, since it was still up from his grip, and I threw my head back brutally, staring at the ceiling.

My eyes were dry, I didn't blink for the last 4 minutes.

I kissed Levi.

And I lost him, once more.

Would he come back like last time?

I was so anxious.

A sob was heard.

I then screamed.

As loud as possible.

Scream made of anxiousness, confusion, fear and envy.

It lasted 4 seconds before I let my head fall, tears shamelessly dripping down my cheeks to land on the covers.

Come back to me.

Was I that envious? To the point of not caring about anything else, not even his well-being?

He was right, back then.

"I'm a monster."


A loud scream from inside.

And a mumble.

Third time she was crying.

He remembered well when he said she never cried before.

What was he to her?

That was the true question.

He didn't care about the fact she kissed him.

He did enjoy it.

He was frustrated about his confusion.

What fueled the kiss wasn't love.

He could do the difference between love and hunger.


Where from?

It was his problem if he chose to hang around with a psychopath.

He just felt like it was his duty to make her feel what she craved for.

She wanted to feel happiness.

He would annoy her.

She wanted to feel affection.

He would embrace her.

She wanted to feel hunger.


He would let her feed on him.

Because as for today, he realized he wasn't the only hungry one.

He chuckled.

"We're so different and similar at the same time, huh?"

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Stay weeb trash,

~ iness

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