Chapter XVI

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A/N: this chapter is a milestone so enjoy your reading!


That's what he feels towards me.

That's what the whole world feels towards me.

I'm a despised being, just like any monster in this place.

Monsters mustn't trust, mustn't believe, mustn't love.

I did all of that.

It hit back as hard as a wrecking ball.

It's forbidden to enjoy life for monsters.

Our role is to give pure hell to people attempting to change us.

And unattentuinally, I had let slip away the only thing that defined me as something else than a monster.

He was the very definition of my sanity.

And now that I don't have anyone to give life to it, I'm back at the ugly monster I used to be.

I'm sorry, Levi.

I'm sorry for trying to make you mine.

I forgot you have things way better than me in this world.

You aren't like me.

You're an amazing being with a bright future to look forward to.

I'm sorry for trying to take that away from you.

Hell, I'm sorry for even existing.

I'm aware I'm the cause of how your life twisted into a tragedy.

I'm sorry for trying to love you.


"Alright, did I forget anything?"

I made the reluctant choice to leave his place.

His bed was neatly folded like it used to be before my arrival. I also tried to make everything look perfect enough for him. Well, it was kind of a dumb idea. Nothing is perfect enough to compare to Levi, obviously.

A sigh made its way out of my throat.

"It's sad that I can't even take him out for some tea anymore."

My hand tousled my [H/L] hair briefly, avoiding the flashbacks that attempted to make my heart throb in sufferance again.

It was painful to walk on my injured leg, but what can I do? I couldn't bear staying in here for too long. I'd probably do something horrible in his sleep.

I don't want to cause anymore darkness in his life.

I don't want to be the one making his life a mess.

I wouldn't be able to bare the amount of hate he would generate against me.

I opened the window next to the bed I had laid on for a few hours, and looked down.

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