Chapter V

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Author's note;
And here it goes for the fifth chapter! Enjoy~
Happy holidays! 💕✨🍥

"Uneducated brat. Aren't you going to present yourself?"

That was it. We were there, sipping our teas, well he sipped his tea when I opted for black coffee. I didn't talk much, the way he held his cup was... Uncommon. Who on earth held a cup by its bordure? There was a handle especially for that.

I was a maniac when it came to habits. If someone did something that wasn't at my taste, I immediately had to correct it. However I didn't have the guts to correct him. No way I was gonna ruin my reputation in front of him.

I felt like I had to act extremely casual in front of him, otherwise he'd flip me off. I wouldn't really care, but if it came to him, then okay, I cared a slight bit.

Nobody ever made me act this way, only by the looks. He seemed like he had absolute power over every damn thing. It was menacing, and what kind of person would like to approach a psycho such as I? Struggles of being bipolar. No. You don't want to know what happens when I reach my periods.

"Oi, moron. Are you listening to me?"

The man in question snapped his fingers in front of my facial, and it indeed made me snap out of it.
(Get it? I snapped? He snapped his fingers? Okay, I understand. I'll go drink bleach.)

"Oh, yes. Sorry.", I lowly responded.

"No, you weren't. Why do you say yes when you don't even know what I actually said?"

"I'm trying to be polite. You maybe would want me to say, "Oh no, I didn't listen to you. I actually don't give a single shit about the blabber you're speaking of."", I was so sure I had shut him up.

And no.

"You should be honest. If you sincerely didn't give a single shit about what I said, then why'd you invite me here in the first place.", holy shit, he just shut me up. How does he do it?

"Now be truly polite and present yourself like a well educated lady."

I didn't even want to present myself. I'm sure he would keep ending me with my single name.

"[L/N]. [F/N] [L/N], 19 years old, originally born in [Birth Country], grew up in France-" (pretend you grew up in France for this one. c:)

He cut me off.

"France? You're French?", he seemed interested.

"I guess you can say it like that.", I somehow proudly responded, glad that I made him have a certain interest in me. For once he'd care about something. I felt kind of special that he cared about my origins.

"What a nice thing. I am French myself."

Wait, what? He didn't even care? He just compared me to him? I should've expected it. Whatever.

"Are you sure you aren't saying that to impress me, since I am a woman?", I was getting cocky. Oh God.

"Non. Pourquoi ferais-je cela? Tu n'est nullement différente aux autres femmes. Juste un peu plus conne."
(Translation: No, why would I do that? You aren't different to other women. Just a little more of a jerk.), he replied in his native language, which I understood every single word, and took huge offense for it.

I decided to play the game along with him.

"Oh ouais? Tu penses que t'es mieux? Tu te prends pour qui, à traiter le monde comme s'ils n'étaient que des chiens? J'suis dégoûtée. Moi qui pensais que tu avais une meilleure réputation que sa. J'avais raison, tu n'as pas de manières!", I replied harshly, done with all the bullshit he spit at me.
(Translation; Oh yeah? You think you're better? Who do you think you are to treat people like dogs? I'm disgusted. I thought you had a better reputation than that. I was right, you don't have any manners!)

And he laughed.

Pretty loudly.

It was like he released all the possible existent laughter inside of his body. He kept laughing like that, for a good 5 seconds. When he calmed down, he got up and said,

"You have a long tongue, but short legs."

"Did you just call me short?!", I wanted to tell the same to him, but then I realized I was shorter than him.

I caught up to him, and he stared outside.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"It's raining."

Great, I didn't bring any umbrella or something of the sort. I was screwed. I didn't like rain, I fell sick a lot just because it fell unexpectedly.

"Do you have a ride?", his husky voice asked, he kept staring at the falling drops.

"A-ah, no. I don't have a car actually."

The only thing cars were good for was to give some sort of assurance.

"Then get your ass in mine. And hurry."


He grabbed my arm harshly, and made me walk along with him under the rough drops of water. My eyes drifted upwards, as I met the back of his raven locks. I only noticed now that his hair was raven. What a beautiful color. It suited him well.

I got strapped off my fantasies when I was thrown in the passenger seat. It impressed me that it was the front one.

A few seconds later, he joined me in the conductor place, roughly closing the door after him.

"Put your seatbelt on. I don't want to get caught because of a stubborn fuck."

It was like he was born to curse at people without any reason.

"Why am I in your car?" I said, noticing the perfectness of the leather.

"What do you think? I'm bringing you home."

"But you don't even know where I li-"

"Just beside the company building. I have eyes, you know."

He obviously made reference when I ran away from him last night. I had to admit, he was one hell of a smartass. (Get the anime pun pls. #blackbutlerftw)

After a few minutes of awkward silence, I broke the atmosphere and asked him,

"And you, what's your name?"

He stayed silent for a while, and answered in a single breath,

"Ackerman. Levi Ackerman."

A smile slid over my lips. Not a smirk. Not a grin. A smile.

"Quel joli nom." (What a nice name.), I whispered, loud enough for him to hear me.

"Tais-toi." (Shut up.)

cannibal. // Levi X !Bipolar ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now