Chapter X

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                    LEVI'S POV


Unconscious bodies.





The cold breeze of ending October toyed with his locks annoyingly. He didn't pay much attention, unusually. All of his focus and worried interest was on what he had witnessed exactly 18 minutes earlier.

She was there, two men at her feet, not seeming to give a single fuck about what was happening around her.

"I knew she was careless... But to that point?"

Usually, he wouldn't care. Usually, he wouldn't think about it. Usually, he would act like that was normal. Usually...

That wasn't usually.

Her face, her natural face was covered in blood, and he was even more shocked learning that it wasn't hers.

He had seen it.

He saw them, the normal sparkle twitching in her eyes was gone. They were empty, they were as good as dead. The only question was;

Was she acting by her own will?

He had noticed it, she wasn't being herself in front of him. Was that the monster she was trying to hide?

Was she putting up a battle against that monster inside of her?

So many questions confused him. He was so envious for answers, but he had to wait. She was caught, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Why was he worried though? She was bipolar, okay. Totally normal.

Why was she worrying him that much?

She was just a brat. An adult trying to fit in society. A human being. She was only that.

Why was his heart cringing at the idea of not being able to annoy her again?

Was that what she was talking about yesterday?

"How fucking dare you making me feel these shitty things?!"

Hmph. He would ask her the same.

He wasn't acting like himself around her. As if he had to behave for her to accept him.

He usually wouldn't care if she rejected him or not. It was his nature after all.

But why, why would he care about what she thought about him?

The face she displayed back then, when she saw him. He wasn't able to contain the surprise of her standing there, with officers menacingly caging her. He didn't think back then.

She could've took it wrong. She maybe thought he hated her.

But he didn't.

The feeling of surprise was just because she was fighting against that.

All alone.

But that was going to change.

He would be there for her.

He'll keep bringing her back home when it gets dark.

He would annoy her continuously.

She was just displaying too well the pleasure she took at being with him.


What was wrong with him, suddenly taking interest in a girl no different than him?

Back in the days, he vowed that if he had the rare chance of getting in a relationship, he would get with a girl totally different than him.


Smiling dumbly at stuff.


Caring about the tiniest things.


That would be the total opposite of him. But inside, he had forgotten the feeling of these. He wanted to get them back.

Did he really?

It would cause him to change, maybe a slight bit.

That girl, she was so different. But so different than others. She was reckless, and rude, also really cocky.
If there could be a single word able to describe her without too much detail, it would be...


She was like his counterpart, and that's why he felt like he had to help her, he had to stand beside her whenever she needed him to, he just had to be there for her.

He grinned.

He never thought he would actually do that for someone.

How'd we call it already?



A/N: i wanna cry at how horrible this story is turning out omfg
Comments and votes are always appreciated! Have a great day/night!

~ Shitty Writer

cannibal. // Levi X !Bipolar ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now