Chapter XIII

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2 weeks.

2 weeks I was living depending on him.

2 weeks I needed a daily contact with him, verbal or physical.

2 weeks he was my drug.


Due to the past events, I was put under surveillance by the police. The previous day, it was only a warning. If it had to happen again, they'll have to lock me up for "violence towards citizens." Bullshit.

A smoke-a-like texture escaped my mouth, indicating the cold temperature of the outside.

I was fired.

Because of that, I mostly wandered around the streets to find another job. I was deep down in the hole, since I didn't have a diploma. Why does this world have to depend on money?

My previous manager discovered my mental disfunction, and put me out in fear that I could injure other employees. Tch, they just didn't have to piss me off.


I had to take some responsibility. I should've known people were fearful. Afraid of what, you might ask? Difference, duh.

Levi was the only one I could rely on, he was the only one who accepted my other side and even attempted to help. I never thought he had that caring side.

No lie, I grew feelings for him, I grew addicted to him, I grew dependent on him. He was the only star in my sky, and the only rope I could hang on while falling.

I slapped myself a few times.

"Shut your cheesy ass up."

Himself made me cry, laugh, smile, mad and even fall for him. How does he do it? It was just crazy.

Each ones of my steps made the grass crack, since they were frozen by the low temperature.

Over the crackling, I heard some child-a-like noises. Children were playing around here.

How come, this place was dangerous, and it was pretty fucking late, what were they doing here?

My [E/C] eyes wandered around, searching for the source. The giggles morphed into screams of fear.


They were in danger.


I don't know.

My step began to accelerate, to the point I began jogging around. The screams augmented, they were growing closer. My pace augmented, till I turned to a small street, when my eyes glimpsed onto three young children, a group of gangsters surrounding them.

Strangely familiar.

"These three chicks'll bring us a fortune on the black market..!"

"No lie."

"I'm sure that one'll bring us enough to pay ourselves a lifetime supply of whores!"

I blankly stared at them.

I see humans, but no humanity.

My eyes looked down to the young girls, they looked petrified. Tch, I wasn't in the mood to play the heroes. But I had to climb my reputation back up.

I wasn't a beast like them.

I began to step forward, my orbs slowly morphing into lifeless ones.

One of them looked at me, seemingly thinking that I was a cop or something.

"Oi, who's her?"


"Damn right, you don't want to know.", I interrupted their convo, my elbow reaching for one of their faces brutally.

"Shit!", one of them complied, standing in surprise.

While the other was slowly agonizing, I stared back at the four other men. That look. They stared at me like I was a monster.

"Fuck are ya'll staring at?! I'm not the inhuman here!", I cried out, and in a swift movement, I had a hold of the trio of children.

Three out of four of them went and helped their injured friend, to then retreat. The last one stood a while before stating,

"You're no different than us, bitch."


I had the urge to torture him, to strangle him, to rip every single of his limbs under his gaze. But he had already dipped.

'I'm no monster...'

I looked down to the girls, two of them had escaped, home perhaps.

One was left, and she innocently said,

"Thank you for saving my life..!"

She followed the two others at her turn.

My still blank eyes kept gazing at them as they ran for their dorm.

My hand then was brought to my cheek, wiping off the drops of blood I had made drip. The beast was still in control of me.

My cure was Levi.

I slid my hand in my jacket pocket, taking out a device and selecting a number.

I didn't care if I disturbed him, I needed his support, his touch, his voice right now. I stressfully awaited for him to answer. I was craving more and more, like a vampire enviously staring at his next victim to then carelessly suck the blood out of the corpse.

"Ackerman speaking."

I kept silent, trying to find the right words.

"Levi, I need your help."

Shut it [F/N], you only want him to be under your wrath for the rest of eternity.

"[F/N]? What's wrong? I don't have time for pranks."

"My leg, Levi."

I would grasp on my deep, fresh wound over my thigh, as I fell to my knees. It didn't hurt. I saw my blood dangerously drip out, but I wasn't afraid.

"Very funny. Go back home and watch anime or something."

Sad that this was the last talk with him. Not even face to face.

"I've been shot."


I heard key rustles and Levi's soothing voice answer, finally,

"Don't move an inch or I'll finish you off."

He declined, and before passing out, I mumbled,

"Yes, come to me Levi.

Come to me and allow my love for you to kill you along with me."

A/N: I'm sorry if this was short-
And I also know it's confusing, but the next chapter will clear everything :').
Btw I had this dream where I was intensely making out with Sinbad and it felt so real like it was as if I felt his tongue with mine omL- ik I'm perverted help
Anyways, if you enjoyed, please leave a vote behind
Stay weeb trash <3

~ iness

cannibal. // Levi X !Bipolar ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now