Chapter 11: Safe And Sound

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---Aphmau's POV---

I stopped kissing him.
"U-Umm... S-Sorry." I said.

"I-It's fine..." He said. Laurence changed the subject.

"U-Uhhh..." I was blushing.

"Ah, Aphmau. Here, I figured you dropped this." Laurence handed me my scarf! I wondered where that thing went.

"My scarf! Thanks, Laurence." I said. He smiled.

"We should get back to Phoenix Drop." He finally let go of my hand.

"Y-Yeah." I said.

"Hey... Aphmau? Are you okay? It looks like you're bleeding." He asked.

"O-Oh yeah... I just... When Gene knocked me out I guess he hit too hard." I said.

"A-Are you hurt? I can carry you if you want." He said. I blushed again.

"N-No thanks.... I'm fine." I said.

"Okay, well, let's get back." He said.

We walked back to Phoenix Drop. It surprisingly didn't take that long. Dante opened the gates and said that Garroth hadn't waken up yet. I quickly ran back to my house and into the basement. Dante was right, Garroth still wasn't awake. I wonder what had happened... And why was he here?

"Garroth... Please be okay." I said. Five minutes passed. But I didn't lose hope. Suddenly, Garroth's eyes began to open! He groaned.

"GARROTH YOU'RE OKAY!" I shouted. I hugged him tight.

"A-Aphmau? W-Where am I?" He asked.

"You're in Phoenix Drop. And this is the guest room. Are you okay? Why did you show up at our gates?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh wait... I remember why I'm here! I came to warn you." He said.

"Warn us? About what? Why were you knocked out?" I asked. There were too many questions swarming in my head. How did Garroth get here? Why was he here? What did he need to warn us about? Why as he knocked out at the gates?

"Z-Zane forced me to search for you. I came across Phoenix Drop. Zane had said that he saw you in this village! And before I entered Phoenix Drop, Zane knocked me out. I was arguing with him. And I came to warn you that he is planning to do bad things! He wants to get revenge on Laurence! And you too, Aphmau." Said Garroth.

"W-What!? We need to do something about this!" I said.

"Zane is hard to beat. It would be tough to stop him." He said.

I didn't know what to do. Zane could do bad things to the village. And he knows where i am! He could attack soon... No... We need to do something!

I go up to my room and sit on my bed. I tried not to cry. But with all that's going on, I'm just... Stressed! We don't even have much defense! Dante is the only guard. Well... I guess Laurence counts. My head still hurts. A lot. I tried to tough it again. I cried in pain. Laurence rushed into my room.

"Aphmau! Are you okay?" He asked, "What happened?"

"N-Nothing... My head just hurts. A lot...." I said.

"Oh... You should put a bandage over that. Here, I'll go get something to help." He said.

Laurence is too nice to me. I feel bad for... Not doing anything for him. I should do something. He came back into my room with bandages. He helped wrap them around my wound.

"Ouch!" I cried.

"Sorry!" He apologized.

"No... It's f-fine... Ow... You're trying to help me... When I've done nothing for you..." I said.

"H-Huh? Nothing? You saved me long ago! Without you I don't know what I would have done." He said.

"Yeah but... For all you've done for me... There Is nothing I can do to make up for that." I said.

"Don't worry about it." He said as he finished.

"I look stupid in this thing don't I." I said.

"Nothing can change you're beautiful face." He said smiling. I smiled.

"Pfft! Casanova!" I joked.

"Hey! It was a joke!" He said. I laughed.

"Heh, I know!" I said. There was a pause.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked.

"A little... But it's better." I said.

"Good." He said.


I woke up from noises coming from outside. It sound like... Crying? I walked down stairs and opened the front door. I looked down and saw a box. And the crying was from inside it, I assumed. I opened up the box and gasped when I saw what was inside. It was a baby.

"Aw, what's a little baby like you doing outside my house?" I asked. The baby continued to cry. I picked it up and I noticed a name tag beside it. It read the name: Levin.

"Oh, so I guess your name's Levin. Here, I'll take you inside." I said. I cradled him in my arms at the table. He soon stopped crying. The baby looked to be about a year old.

"Shhh... Don't cry." I said. From inside the box, was also a music box. I wound it up and it played a soft tune. Levin soon began to fall asleep. Then I sang a lullaby.

I remember tears
streaming down your face
When I said, I'll never let you go
When all those
Shadow almost killed your light
I remember you said,
Don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead
and gone and passed

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come, morning light
You and I'll be
safe and sound

I gently kissed Levin in his forehead.


---Stay By My Side---  A Laurmau FF(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now