Chapter 2 "Dorian White"

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I stirred my finger in my red wine as I stared at my messenger. "She denied my request?"

"Yes, my Lord." He fiddled with his hat in his hands. I stood up abruptly and he stumbled back in fear.

"Did you even try?"

"But, my lord, she dismissed me immediately when I mentioned your name." His quivering voice filled the silence of the large dining room.

"Oh, did she?" I chuckled circling him.

"Perhaps she thinks of you as an enemy?"

"That's what I don't understand!!! We could rule over the entire world if we worked together. Does she even know how much power we would have?!" My booming voice echoed through the room and the maids and cooks lined upon the wall flinched.

"She has all the power she could ever need." My messenger whispered to himself.

"Get out. Get away from me. I no longer desire your presence," I hissed at him. He scrambled away and I turned to the others. "All of you begone."

They went away and I made my way to back to my bedroom. "Avery!!!" I called for my personal maid. She scurried in and bowed. "Yes, my lord?"

"Get my suit ready for the evening. I have to look my best."

"Yes, my lord." She bowed again and left the room in a hurry.

I stripped and made my way to the laboratory to clean myself up for the evening. I cleaned up nicely and headed back to the bedroom. There laid my tailored suit and tie. I smiled and put it on carefully. "Avery!"

"Yes, sir?"

"Can you tell someone to get a carriage ready? It's almost time to go."

"Yes," She was quiet for a second. "My lord?"

"Yes, Avery?"

"...I think you look very nice." She said quietly.

I smiled gingerly. "Thank you."

She smiled shyly and left the room. I fixed my tie and adjusted my suit until Avery knocked on my door again.

"Sir, the carriage is ready."

"Then we shall be off." I smiled at her and her cheeks began to turn a tint red. We got into the carriage and I stared out the window as it rolled against the cobblestone path. I suddenly began eager to stop when we got closer to our destination. I bounced my leg impatiently and Avery glanced at me curiously.

"Are you nervous?"

"No," I said sharply and I saw her flinch. "I'm sorry. Maybe a little..."

"My Lord? We are here."

I nearly jumped out the carriage in excitement and helped Avery down. The servants bowed and opened the doors to let us in.

"Ah, here is the guest of honor himself!!! I welcome you to my kingdom with open arms!!!" The king, Armando Gregory, yelled boastfully from his grand foyer. Claps and cheers sounded in the crowd and he waved me over.

I made my way up the staircase and took my spot next to him, basking in my glory. "You think this is amazing now? Just wait until the grand queen gets here." He whispered to me, chuckling slightly.

My head snapped over over to him. "What? She's coming?"

"Yes, yes. You didn't hear? She made last minute plans to come."

I turned my attention to the entrance door and waited eagerly. But as the night went on, I gave up and decided to dance. "Would anyone like to take my hand and dance?"

They turned their heads to me and began to yell for me to pick them. "You could have handled that better..." King Gregory whispered to me again.

Suddenly, the yelling stopped when the doors opened. A beautiful woman walked through the doors with a man on her arm. By the looks of it, a knight. She walked ever-so-gracefully and her crown was perched neatly on top of her head. Her dress was a dark purple and black with ruffles at the sleeves. She picked up the hem of her dress and walked up the stairs as her knight followed quietly behind her.

As she got closer, it seemed like her eyes sparkled and her skin glowed in the light of the kingdom. She passed by me and stood in front of King Gregory. She smelled like fresh fruit and coconut oil.

"I hope I'm not too late." She smiled slightly.

"No, the night is just beginning, my lady." He grinned and kissed her hand before standing in front of the foyer once again.

"It seems that our wonderful Queen has graced us with her presence. Shall she be our guest of honor first dance of the night?" Cheers and chants erupted from down below and her eyes found mine.

They lit up in surprise and something else flashed through them. She held out her hand and smiled. "Shall we?"

I nodded and looped my arm through hers. We made our way down the stairs and onto the ballroom floor. We faced each other and I placed her hand in mine. As we started to move, I spoke.

"I never would have thought that the grand queen would be this beautiful but I am quite curious as to why-"

"I denied your request?" She said piercing me with her bright brown eyes.

"Yes." I said letting out an breath.

"I don't like you."

"I under...wait, may you repeat that?"

"You heard what I said. I will not speak twice." I spun her around and raised an eyebrow.

"Why is it that you do not like me?" She sighed and move along the floor with me.

"I think of you as a threat."

"Then why do you seem friendly?"

"We're in public, aren't we?" She gave me a secretive smile and the music sped up causing us to move faster.

"What do you plan to do with your kingdom? Do you want to conquer more or stay with the one kingdom you have?" We moved swiftly and smoothly at the same pace.

"I...want to conquer more." The song would end soon.

"Then we will forever be enemies until you change your goal."

I dipped her and her eyes were no longer bright but cold and brittle. "I'll make sure you never reach the top." She whispered menacingly in my ear.

An arrogant grin appeared on my face. "Good luck with that."

She stood up and pushed away from me. Our audience clapped and she bowed in response. She began to walk away when I called out to her. She turned around and I smiled.

"I never got your name."

"I guess you'll have to figure that out yourself, won't you?"

I was in awe of her for the rest of the night.

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