Chapter 6 "The Heart"

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"The king of the dark continent, Zankia, is planning an attack. On whom, I do not know. But most likely it is you, Your Highness." The tension swirled and spun then suffocated those in the room.

"What proof of this do you have?"  I said tensely, addressing the man who spoke.

The man, King Stanley of the small kingdom of Monua, glanced at his servant and waved him over. "My servant was sent to Zankia as a spy. He was there to gather information but came across the fact that Zankia was indeed gathering troops for an attack."

"They could be planning to attack anybody. Why do you think it's Her Majesty?" Another man asked from the other side of the table.

"The numbers of troops are rising at an alarming rate. It's more than the usual amount for an regular attack."

"How many?" I said keeping my eyes trained on him.

Worry clear in his features he spoke. "900,000 and rising, Your Highness."

"That's enough troops to take over at least three of the small kingdoms I have control over. Is there anyway for you to find out who they are targeting?"

"Yes but it's incredibly risky. I'll send someone as soon as we return."

"Thank you." The door opened and Isabelle peeked through. I nodded and she entered. She bent down and whispered in my ear.

"Dinner is ready. Shall I escort them to the table?" I shook my head and stood from my seat.

"It seems that our feast is ready. I'm sure you all are hungry from our long discussion. Isabelle will escort you to the dining area." I watched as the others stood up and filed out of the room, chattering excitedly.

"Exhausted, my lady?" I turned around and saw Xavier standing in the doorway.

"Very. You must be, too. After all, I gave you a lot of work to do." He lent his elbow to me and I looped my arm in his.

"Yes, but my mission is to serve my queen, is it not?" He said grinning at me and I laughed into my hand.

"Well, look at you. You are fitting in quite fine. I like this change." We exited the meeting room and walked down the corridor to the dining area.

"I would expect you to since I'm not trying to kill you and all." He said chuckling as he looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"About that," I said stopping. "We found the guys." He turned to me with wide eyes.

"Really?!" I nodded and crossed my arms.

"Apparently, they aren't that smart. They stayed nearby the same place and had an hideout near the area. My men rounded them up and they'll be back tomorrow. You can decide what you want us to do with them. Then after that, you're free." I said sighing. I began to walk forward but he grabbed my arm.

"Wait, Your Maje-"

"My lady?" Isabelle interrupted, looking in between us in interest.

I looked away from Xavier and turned to her. "Yes?"

"Everyone is waiting for you."

"Later?" I said turning back to Xavier. He sighed and nodded slowly.

I followed Isabelle into the dining area and I noticed the smile on her face. "What's got you so happy, Isabelle?"

"Nothing, my lady. Nothing at all. Just get in there so you can finish quickly." She said as her smile got bigger. I looked at her strangely then shook my head. She's so weird. I stepped inside the area and took my seat at the head of the table.

"Sorry, I'm late, gentlemen. I had other business to attend to." A plate was set in front of me and I thanked the server. I cut a piece of meat and was about to eat it when I realize everyone was staring at me.

" may eat." I clarified and they quickly began to eat. I rolled my eyes and began to eat. Did they really need to be told that they could eat?

"This is really delicious, Your Highness. But I shouldn't expect less from someone who has five star cooks." A man said from somewhere down the table.

"You shouldn't be telling that to me but to my wonderful cooks." I said as I put another slice of meat into my mouth.

"Well, it would be useless to tell that to someone who only cooks for a living." He said laughing loudly. Dorian stopped eating and looked at me in interest.

I slowly put down my silverware and wiped the corners of my mouth. "Excuse me?" I said locking my eyes with the man. I narrowed them and sent a silent threat.

"N-nothing, Your Highness." He stuttered and began to eat his food again.

"I believe you owe my cooks an apology but you don't have to do it now. In private, you can give them a very proper apology." I felt his nervousness and I grinned in satisfaction.

"I' sorry for my inappropriate behavior. Please forgive me." He said to the cooks that were lined up on the wall.

"No, no. It's fine. What you said was quite true to us but offensive to our madam. She doesn't like when people disrespect her servants," The head chef said and looked at me then bowed. "I'm sorry it seems I've said too much. I'm sorry, Your Highness."

I waved him off and continued to eat. "It's fine. You're way too modest." I sent him a sweet smile in return.

"I guess you can say my servants are like family to me," Some of the rulers opened their mouths to complain but I held my hand up to silence them. "I know that doesn't sit well with some of you but that's how it works in my kingdom. My servants aren't treated like animals but actual human beings as they are. My kingdom does not tolerate the mental or physical abuse," I pointedly looked at Dorian. "Of the people that work under my care. They eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They take baths and they have rooms of their own. In return, they work for me. That's how my servants are treated."

"That's just rubbish. Disgusting, even. I refuse to serve a Queen who does such things. I revoke my alliance." A man said storming out of the room.

It was quiet and I sighed. "Anyone else?"

A few more people stood up and revoked their alliance. Not important people in my alliance so it made no difference. I looked at the people left in the room and nodded. "Good choice. That was quite child-like, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes. Working under the Queen is a huge privilege and it takes a lot of hard work. If a simple thing like that disturbs you, then you are not fit to work under her." My eyes flickered over to my knight, who I have not seen in awhile, then back to the kings at the table.

"You missed out on all of the fun, Sirius. Where have you been?" I said without looking at him.

"Out gaining some information by myself." He said slowly striding over to me.

"Without my acknowledgement?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, my lady, I'm very sorry about that. But I found some additional information about Zankia from some informants of mine."

"Still playing with your old buddies, eh?" I grinned slyly at him and he gaped slightly at me.

"I promise on my life, I wasn't-"

"What's the information?" I said cutting him off, growing disinterested in my teasing.

"I know what they're doing. They'll completely dominate your strongest allies and then they'll come for you while you're vulnerable." I clicked my tongue and folded my arms over my chest.

"That makes perfect sense. They'll take out my stronghold and then aim for the heart," I laughed loudly. "It's quite funny to think they are such fools." Everyone at the table looked at me with wild confusion and I chuckled darkly.

"You didn't know? We're not weak at all. The heart is the best part and that you should know."

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