Chapter 4 "Trust And Patience"

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Dorian POV

The slap sounded around the silent big room and my palm began to sting. Tears formed in the servants eyes and his cheek began to turn a bright red from impact. I took off my white shirt that was now stained with red wine and threw it at his feet.

"Have it cleaned by the end of the day or I'll have you killed. Do you understand?"

He nodded, face burning with embarrassment and scurried off. Two servants quickly rushed towards me. One to clean the spill and  the other gave me another shirt to wear. Avery approached me hesitantly and spoke.

"Sir, the conquering of Silvana is complete. It is now yours."

"Truly?" I perked up in interest.

"Yes, my lord."

"Will you give me a tour of my new kingdom?"

She nodded and walked away to called for a carriage. I felt eyes burning in my back and I turned around. A servant was glaring at me with hatred burning in their eyes. What was their name again? Henry? Robert?

"You. Give me your name." I said sternly.

"Orion." He spat.

"May I ask why you are looking at me with such distaste?" My eyes narrowed.

"It's nothing for you to be concerned about, Your Highness." His sentence came out in a harsh whisper.

I smiled and spoke cheerfully but my tone was laced with malicious intent. "Good, we wouldn't want anymore things to spill now, would we?"

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "No, sir."

I nodded and went over to where Avery was patiently waiting. She slightly bowed and followed me outside to the carriage. We got in and I tapped the wall that separated the driver and I to signal that he could go. After awhile, Avery spoke.

"Why so far?"

"The kingdom?" She nodded and I shifted in her direction.

"Isn't that obvious? Its closer to the Queen's territory, right next to it actually."

"If you don't mind asking but what's so special about being close to her?"

I let out an exasperated breath. "Everything. She's absolutely intriguing. From the way she walks, talks, breaths!!! She's truly a force to be messed with. Not only is she stunningly beautiful but she's insanely powerful. She could have the whole world in the palm of her hand and all the riches in the world. A majestic creature, indeed."

Avery's face became impassive but a whirlwind of emotions were in her eyes. It would be a pain to pin-point them all. I became concerned and spoke again. "Avery, are you okay?"

She snapped out of her daze and smiled. "Yes, I'm sorry, my lord. Back at the castle, why didn't you immediately have that man killed? That was your best dress shirt."

I let out a burst of laughter and patted her head. "I know that you know nothing about waiting from your previous lifestyle but its better to wait and plus, it would have been pointless."


"A pointless kill is no fun." I winked and she turned to look out the window.

"No, it isn't." She murmured.

The rest of the ride was pleasingly quiet until we reached Silvana. A mob of civilians surrounded the carriage and a smile crept along my face. "They are quite fond of me already."

"They are," A smile crept along her face as well. "These are the main streets of Silvana. The people are extremely kind and exotic in their own way. They sell fresh fruit and vegetables that they plant themselves. They do fine manufacturing themselves but they have been recently been having trouble with raising money to fix their cobble streets and old buildings. They needed a leader so they got one."

 I waved merrily at the people outside and the noise got louder. Suddenly, the carriage jerked to a stop and loud yelling erupted. My curiosity caused me to exit the carriage and take a look. Avery followed me in a hurry and my eyes narrowed at the sight.

"What has happened here?" A man had fallen in front of the carriage as his friend was trying to help him pick up the fruits he had spilled in the street.

The man that had fallen quickly stood up with wide eyes and brushed off his clothes. "I'm sorry. I was pushed into the road by the commotion in the crowd. I did not mean to disturb your ride."

"Punish him." Someone jeered from the crowd. I glanced at Avery as if to question her statement from earlier.

"State your name." I ordered.

"Xavier Negus."

"And yours?" I turned to his friend and raised an eyebrow.

"Alonzo Turner." He said lifting his head high.

"If you bow down, I'll let you go." Xavier was getting ready to bow down but Alonzo put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. Xavier looked at him in surprise and stood up straight. Alonzo took a step forward with his voice steady.

"We do not bow down to anyone other than our ruler." Gasps and whispers erupted through the crowd.

"You do not live here?"

"No. We live under the protection of the Queen." My eyes widened considerably and someone whispered harshly behind me. "He's lying."

"Are you lying?"

"No, sir."

"Liar!!!" Someone yelled from somewhere in the crowd. "If you live under the protection of the Queen then why are you here?!"

"Her Highness ordered us to get some fresh fruit that she wanted from a nearby kingdom because our territory didn't have the ones that she liked!!!" Xavier blurted out loudly. Alonzo put a hand to his forehead and sighed.

"We have to get back so if you'll excuse us..." He grabbed Xavier by the arm and dragged him away hurriedly.

"Hey, wait!!!" The carriage driver yelled.

"Leave it." I ordered. "We don't have time for this. Let's finish the tour."

"But, my lor-" I glared and he shut his mouth.

I opened the carriage door and climbed in. Avery followed close behind and shut the door. The carriage took off again and Avery spoke. "Do you think that what they said is true?"

I nodded and stared out the window. "How do you know?"

"....she smells like fruit." I whispered. She stared at me for awhile before explaining how Silvana worked and other things. I drowned her out and submerged myself in my own thoughts.

Her threat was still fresh in my mind, not like I could forget it. The melody of her voice made it very clear. I was her enemy until I stepped down from my goal. She was exquisite and elegant yet dangerous. A lethal combination. But there is more to her than what meets the surface and I'm determined to uncover every inch of it.

For now, I'll focus on maintaining my two kingdoms. Then I'll work on an alliance with the Queen when I have a few more. I'll get her to trust me but I need to be patient. Trust and Patience. That's what I need.

I grinned and closed my eyes. I'll get what I want in no time.

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