Chapter 8 "You're Welcome"

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The heat of midday beat down on the civilians in the town square but nonetheless, they chattered excitedly in the crowd about the public execution. I have such sadistic people living in my kingdom or is that how all people act? I thought to myself as I let the air from my hand held fan cool down my skin. Xavier fidgeted nervously next to me and I glared at him.

"Stop, you're making me anxious." I ordered.

He stopped but looked at me with wary eyes. "I'm sorry, my lady. I'm nervous about the execution."

"Are you doubting my decision?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Madam, I don't even know the decision you've made. That's what worries me the most."

I smiled and turned to gaze down at the crowd. "Don't worry, it'll be quite a show. In fact, it's about to start."

I watched as my guards led in the prisoners and placed them before me. I looked them in the eye one by one and they all nodded. Sighing, I stood up and greeted the crowd.

"Hello, my sweet, sweet kingdom of Aralbia. How are my precious residents?" Cheering ensued and I chuckled.

"Then I can guess you're doing well," I spoke louder and clearer so everyone could hear me. "You all know why we are gathered here today. The prisoners know, I know, and everyone else knows. You're here to see justice be brought upon someone who has suffered and many more. But trust me, that is what you'll get but we'll do it a little differently."

I turned towards the prisoners and let the smile fall from my face. "Stand up and face the crowd."

Confusion settled across the crowd as they did as I said. I stood in front of the first prisoners starting from the left. "State your name and what you are being charged with."

"Mark Jempson. Murder."

"Greg Homer. Murder."

"Jart Littleson. Murder."

"Olly Jumper. Murder."

"Pike Gregory. Murder."

I made it to the last one and looked him in the eye. "Who are you and what are you being charged with?"

He didn't flinch at my bold stare but returned it. "Plato Truman," He leaned close and spoke harshly. "Murder."

I turned back around and faced the crowd. "There you have it. These criminals have confessed to their crimes and spoke their names. Now is there anything you would like to ask, Xavier?" I said looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

He stood up and strode over in quick strides, standing in front of the prisoners. "Why? Just tell me why?"

They were quiet and their heads were bend down in shame. Well, all except one. Plato stood with his head high and his stance was confident. "Because we felt like it."

Xavier's heated glare settled upon him and he spoke in a harsh tone. "Do you have any idea what you took from me? That was my family! They were my everything and you took them from me. But now, I get my revenge and you'll die just like they did."

Plato laughed loudly and shook his head. "Unlike you, buddy, I ain't scared of dying."

Xavier sent a punch towards his face which sent Plato to the ground. Xavier bared his teeth angrily and was make another move until he was restrained by my guards and moved away. I shook my head unfazed by the little incident and went on with the execution.

"The prisoners have picked a execution of their choice. Some have picked a slow death, others...not so much. Let's get on with it, shall we?" I went back to my makeshift throne and sat down, opening my fan and cooled myself.

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