Chapter 7 "Hello, Boys"

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I sighed as I pulled another paper from the stack. I skimmed over it carefully and signed it. I had been exceptionally busy since the news of the upcoming war spread. It seems that the kingdom of Zankia will continue with their plan even though it was leaked to me.

"Madam, you have a letter from the king of Mongua." Isabelle said as she walked through the doors. She handed it to me and I immediately opened it. I read it and smiled slightly.

"What does it say, Your Majesty?" She asked curiously.

"He said that since the king of Zankia heard the news, he's recruiting soldiers even faster than before and it seems the war will start soon," I rested my chin in my palm and grinned. "Things are finally getting interesting around here now that he finally wants to play."

She raised an eyebrow and leaned against my desk. "It seems like you know him."

"I do." I smiled as old memories floated about in my brain.

"Personally?" She had a shocked expression on her face but looked interested in the new information. I nodded and sighed.

"Yes but that's enough sharing today. Let me get back to my work." I waved her off and pulled another paper from the stack.

"Sorry, my lady. I'll get back to work as well." 

She walked out and closed the door quietly behind her. I pretended to be reading the document in front of me but I couldn't focus. My mind was on him. I smiled softly as I remembered one of my childhood memories with him. We ran around in my aunt's rose garden and giggled as we tried to tag each other. My mother would yell at me for getting dirty and playing with a peasant boy. But I would always sneak him inside the fence when she wasn't looking.

But then after a tragic accident years later, I was forced to grow up and prepare to become a queen. I didn't have time to play anymore and eventually he stopped coming by. After I became Queen, I heard news that he had become a king of a large place called Zankia, the dark continent. I tried getting in touch with him but I would never receive a response. After a big wake up call from Sirius, I stopped and started focusing on expanding my kingdom. And he just became a distant memory in the back of my mind until now, that is.

"Why contact me now with means to start a war?" I mumbled to myself.

"Troubled, my lady?" I was startled and looked up at Sirius in alarm. He looked smug at my reaction and I scowled at him.

"What business do you have with me, Sirius?"

"I just wanted to check up on my Queen. How are you?" He said cheerfully.

"I'm fine," I took notice of his sword and looked up at him in excitement. "Are we going to spar?"

He clicked his tongue and tossed my sword at me. "Yep, I thought you could use some time off of this grueling paperwork."

I stood up and fixed the papers on my desk. "I might be a little rusty. We don't spar as much as we used to."

"That's alright, I'll get you back to speed in no time. Come on." I grabbed my sword and followed him to the practice arena.

When we got there, I put my sheathe down and took my place on one side. "You're not going to change, my lady?"

"Do soldiers have time to change into proper sparring attire on a battlefield?" I asked as I held my sword in front of me.

"No, my lady." He said unsheathing his blade and holding it in front of him.

"Exactly." I stated gripping my sword.

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