Chapter 5 "Meeting Once Again"

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"What?" I said stopping the glass before it reached my lips. Xavier had just filled me in on his encounter the other day with Dorian, the new king of Silvana.

Xavier lowered his head in shame and a chuckle escaped my mouth. "You poor thing, you're attract such negative energy." His face became tinted pink and a smile curved along my face.

"It's okay. I'm become quite fond of you so I wont banish you immediately." I said as I teased him some more.

"Go run along and eat supper. I'm sure you're hungry from your work today." He bowed and left the room in a hurry. Isabelle walked in immediately afterwards.

"He's a cute one, yes?"

"M-madam!!!" She stuttered in embarrassment. I laughed loudly and picked up a strawberry off of the silver platter.

"What news do you bring me, Isabelle?" I bit into the red fruit and hummed in content as the sweet flavor coated my tongue.

"You have a meeting remember, my lady?" I thought for a moment and then shook my head. She sighed and stood in front of my desk.

"You are supposed to meet with all of the kings and discuss problems that they are having trouble fixing." I groaned and bit into another fruit.

"I do not wish to go. They are like a bunch of young children whining about a broken toy that can be easily fixed." She shifted on her feet and adjusted her dress.

"But you have to go, Madam. You are the head of the discussion. Without you there, they'll be out of control."

I thought for a moment and then shrugged. "Fine. Where are we meeting?"

"My lady, they are coming here." I stopped mid-chew and my fruit dropped out of my hand.

"What? When?"

"They should be here in thirty minutes. I thought you knew and were relaxing before they came." I stood up and rushed past Isabelle. I hurried to my room and searched through my wardrobe. I pulled a blue dress with white ruffles at the sleeves and the hem of the dress.

"What are you doing, my lady? This is my job to do." She said with a panicked expression. I turned to her with a similar expression and began to take off my corset that belonged to my current dress.

"We are low on time. I need you and everyone else to work together and have the meeting room spotless. Have dinner ready in three hours. They should be hungry by then. Hurry!!!" I said as I put on the blue dress and and tied my corset in the mirror. Isabelle nodded and practically ran out of the room.

I fixed my curly hair into a suitable hairstyle and slipped on my white heels. I walked down the corridor at a hurried pace. My maids and servants were running from to and fro making sure they got what they needed to done. I looked down from my grand foyer and saw one of my servants escorted someone in. I clicked my tongue and walked down the stairs. They're too early.

I reached the last step and glided across the floor towards my first guest. He turned towards me and I almost couldn't contain my groan. Dorian White. His face lit up at the sight of me and immediately walked in my direction.

"You're early."

He grinned and bowed. "The early bird gets the worm, they say."

"How charming." I said dryly.

"Now, now. Don't act like that, Your Majesty. I'm here for business." He was practically bouncing in his shoes from excitement.

"You're not acting like it." I said trying to hide my frown.

"Really? How so, my lady?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"You look like you're here on a holiday." I felt a heated stare directed to me and I looked behind him. The heated stare belonged to a woman in servant clothing that was standing nearby. A man in the same attire stood beside her with a fading bruise on his cheek.

"My god, what happened to you?" I rushed over to him and tilted his head so I could see it better.

"This looks absolutely nasty. Where did you dare to get this from?" I asked him, looking deep in his eyes. When he didn't answer me, I turned to Dorian.

"Do you know where he got this from?" Dorian looked at the young man and nodded.

"Tell her."

He gulped and tilted his head down. "It's no big deal. I was being clumsy and I got what I deserved." My eyes widened and I turned to Dorian.

"You did this to him?" He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "He said it himself, he got what he deserved. Avery wanted me to kill him immediately."

I turned to the woman beside the young man and shook my head. "Come here. What's your name?" I called to the young man. He stepped forward and bowed slightly.

"My name is Oliver Kindren."

I smiled brightly and lifted his chin up. "What would you say about staying here for a few days?" He jerked up in surprise with his eyes wide.

"You can't do that, Your Majesty!!! He's my-" Dorian shouted.

"Yes, I certainly can. He'll be going back when you get your act together." I turned to him sternly.

"Get my act together? When was it ever wrong?!"

"When you started hitting your servants and trying to make servants bow to you that aren't yours. That's where you went wrong." I growled from between my teeth.

"There is nothing wrong with disciplining them." He said walking closer to me.

"Was it an accident?" I said taking a step towards him.


"Surely, you cannot hear. I said, was it an accident?" He opened his mouth then closed it.

"Did you do whatever you did with ill intentions?" I said swiftly turning towards Oliver. He was still staring at me and I snapped my fingers.

"Well, did you?"

"No, ma'am." He shook his head rapidly.

I turned back to Dorian with a steely gaze. "You think you can abuse your servants because of a simple accident? I wonder what they think of you..."

He stared at me with a gaze that matched my own and held it. "This is not your servant. You have no business concerning yourself with something that's not yours."

"Look who's talking. If you'll believe so, this is my kingdom," I stabbed my finger onto his chest. "You are in my boundaries. In my kingdom. Here and in other places I control, I'm free to do whatever the hell I want. I could kill you here and no one would bat an eyelash. Do you wish to know why? Your life is not significant enough to be cared about."

The woman stepped protectively by his side and I glared at her. He stared at me a bit longer before stepping away from me. "Do what you want."

"What will you do?" I said to the nervous young man.

"I'll stay..." I smiled proudly and I grabbed his hand. "After the meeting, you can head up to your temporary room. I'll have Isabelle escort you."

He nodded and another person entered my doors. I smiled at them once more. "I guess this ends our discussion." I walked over to the new person and greeted them. I felt Dorian's gaze on me and my smile grew wider. It was about time for him to learn who's the leader.

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