Chapter 3 "The Things A Queen Does"

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"Madam, an intruder tried to breech the front gates. We have subdued him but what shall we do next?" One of my servants announced.

"An intruder? Take me to him." I said tapping my fingers on the desk.

"But-" His eyes widened in alarm but I shot him a look and he nodded.

"As you wish, my lady."

I followed him down the many corridors until we were outside in the garden where two of my knights we struggling to keep still a young man. As soon as he saw me, he headbutted one of the guards, getting his hand free and proceeded to take out a throwing knife. Before anyone could stop him, the small knife was sailing through the air and cut my cheek, drawing blood instantly.

Everyone was quiet in shock and a smile appeared on my face. "Was that pathetic thing an assassination attempt?"

"M-madam, you're bleeding!!!" A nearby maid said panicking.

Sirius drew his sword and placed it against the young man's neck. "You dare to make my lady bleed? I should execute you immediately."

He spat at Sirius and Sirius scowled. "My lady, give me your orders."

"Bring him in." They both looked up in surprise. "I want to interrogate him and make sure restrain him securely. We don't want any bloody accidents, do we?" I flashed our captive a dark smile and he shivered.

"So you are as evil as they say."

"And they don't make them any better than this." I said turning around and making my way back into the castle. I ignored the concerned glances and questions from my servants.

"Isabel, bring me my special clothes." I said as I passed her.

"Yes, ma'am." She walked with me back to my room and immediately got my clothes. I slid on the fabric and put on my gloves.

"My lady, allow me to clean your wound."

I nodded and sat down. "Alright." She lightly dabbed my cheek with a cloth and sealed it with a bandage. "There you go." She said brightly.

"Thank you." I smiled sweetly at her and got up. I made my way down to the lower levels of my castle and came across a gray door. I twisted the handle and opened it, getting hit with the smell of damp air. I coughed lightly and walked down the stairs. I haven't been down here in years.

I walked along the cells until I reached a cell with a familiar man sitting in it. I opened the cell door and slid in. I heard him scoff in disbelief. "You're seriously wearing a man's clothes?"

"Who says that these are a man's clothes in the first place? I specifically got these clothes designed for me, a woman. I am quite fond of these clothes, actually."

He stared at me in shock and shook his head. "You're different."

"Coming from the man who tried to kill me. What's your name?"

"Xavier Negus."

"Do you understand you will be put to death for what you attempted to do?" He opened his mouth, closed it and put his head down.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm just pulling your leg but that leads me to another question, why?" I said softly.

He was quiet and the only thing that made noise was the water dripping from the ceiling and the sounds from the other prisoners. "This kingdom has never done anything for me. My family was murdered and no one batted an eyelash. I work everyday and all that amounts to is two full meals a week, maybe less. I'm homeless, I'm dirty, and I don't have a clean bed to sleep in at night. Now I'm a prisoner."

"Do you know who killed them?"

"Yeah but they tucked tail and ran when I found them."

I sat up in surprise. "They? A group?"

He nodded solemnly and I smiled. "Do you know all of their names?"


"Good because I'll need them. I want to propose an offer."

"An offer?" He said suspiciously.

"Yes, how would you like to work in the castle?"

He suddenly burst into loud laughter and I winced as it echoed around the cell. "You're kidding."

"No. You work in the kingdom and in return, you help me catch those guys. You also will get your own room with a bathroom and full meals like the rest of the workers here."

"Are you serious?"

"Didn't we just establish that?"

"Why...?" Tears formed in his eyes.

"I feel ashamed that no one notified me about something like that happening in my own kingdom. I'll find them and make sure to avenge your family."

"But I tried to kill you and-"

"Just say thank you."

"...thank you." He sniffed and I opened the cell door.

"Follow me."

We made our way back to the main floors of the kingdom and the servants gaped in surprise and confusion. Xavier became uncomfortable and walked closer to me. I smiled slightly at his adorable behavior and stopped at a door. I unlocked it and stepped aside to let him walk in.

He walked around slowly and took in his surroundings. "All of this for me?"

"I'm not so evil anymore, am I?" He didn't answer and continued to look around.

"Get cleaned up. I'll send someone to drop off your attire and to give you a tour. You'll start tomorrow. Good luck."

He turned around with wide eyes. "Thank you!" He squeaked.

"You're welcome." I said and closed the door. I walked back to my working quarters and collapsed in my chair. The door opened and Isabelle walked in with a tray of treats and a beverage. We smiled each other as she sat it down.

"I thought you would need it."

"And that I did." Sipping on the sweet juice.

"That was nice of you to do, my lady." I opened my mouth to answer but the door slammed open and my mentor, Fredrick, and Sirius walked in.

"I call it reckless!" Sirius pronounced loudly and angrily.

"I agree."

I rolled my eyes. "And I could care less."

"You should care! What you are doing is unbelievably reckless and you'll put yourself in a bad name. You're probably giving others a message that it's okay to try to assassinate the queen because she'll give you a job. Simply idiotic and child-like."

My eyes cut sharply over to his. "Sirius, I believe I've told you before about your choice of words with me. I will not hesitate to cut you down where you stand. Do you have more to say?"

The tension in the air was thick as I held eye contact with him. "No, ma'am."

"You're dismissed. Isabelle, stay." They left reluctantly and Isabelle shifted nervously near my desk.

"I have a favor to ask. You can decline if you wish to."

"What is it?"

"I want you watch over Xavier for me."


"Our new member in our family. Could you bring him the kingdom's uniform, maybe show him around and if he needs anything, will you help him?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you, Isabelle. You're dismissed." She bowed and left the room.

I sighed and looked over at the huge pile of papers on the side of my desk. I didn't even get to these today, I'll probably be up for awhile. I placed a strawberry tart in my mouth and chewed. The things a queen does for her kingdom.

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