Chapter 9 "Prepping For War"

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"He has officially declared war and is currently advancing towards the smaller kingdoms under your protection. What are your orders?" Sirius stated, intently waiting for my orders.

"Luckily, I have thought of this already. We have no time to waste. Break my soldiers into groups." I said standing up.

"How, exactly?" He questioned, eyeing me carefully.

"Split them into four groups. Each group will go in a certain direction. North, West, East, and South. They will be in charge of protecting the civilians and helping the soldiers to fight. I'll leave it up to you to split them up." I walked towards our training field and he followed me with long strides.

I walked out on the field and saw all my soldiers in combat. The sight made me smile proudly. Sirius cleared his throat and they stopped. They noticed my presence and they immediately bowed in respect.

"Good evening, Your highness." They said in harmony.

"Hello, gentlemen. I believe your instructor and I bring you some news." I said smiling and waving.

They stood up straight and Sirius stepped forward. "You all have been working exceptionally hard and you have gotten stronger. Now, the time has come for you to use these strengths for the benefit of your kingdom."

"What do you mean?" One of the soldiers questioned. Sirius looked at me and I nodded.

"Gentlemen, the time of war is upon us," I said grimly. Murmurs burst through the group and Sirius got their attention back on me. "Listen, I know how you feel. Some of you are scared, worried, maybe even excited but this is your chance to protect what's yours and come back heroes. War is not a place of happiness but is a place of grief and despair. On that battlefield, you have to keep in mind that this is for the safety of the kingdom and your loved ones."

I inhaled slowly. "If we fail, the kingdom of Zankia will plow through my kingdoms, killing everyone in their path. They will eventually make it here and kill me. They are already on the move so you will have to act fast."

"How fast, madam?" A curious voice said from the crowd.

"You'll leave out tonight." I said nodding at Sirius. I left the field to let him tell his plans to the soldiers, I have others preparations to make.

"Isabelle!!!" I shouted down the corridor.

A door hastily opened and Isabelle ran towards me in a frenzied panic. "What is it, my lady? Are you hurt?"

"No, no. Could you gather all of the servants into my working quarters? I have an announcement to make." She nodded slowly, partly confused and left.

"Alright." I said to myself.

I readied the room so that most of them could sit and waited. I watched as they all filed into the room confused and took a seat. I waved at Xavier and he raised an eyebrow. Isabelle entered and gave her a questioning look. She nodded and I decided it was time to address the group in the room.

"Hello, everyone. I'm sure you're all confused about the sudden meeting but I promised your questions will be answered," They nodded and I continued. "War has officially been declared on me and every kingdom that I own. We all knew that this was coming so don't be surprised. I need your help."

"Well, what do you need us to do?" Xavier questioned what everyone was thinking.

"I need you all to leave in two days time. During those two days, my kingdom will be locked down. I need you all to help the civilians to get what they need for this lock down. Because war has started, they need to be safe. We have to have as little unnecessary casualties as possible."

"Leave? But-" A servant of mine protested.

"That is my orders. You will start immediately. Spread the word and help all the people you can, no time can be wasted." I said sternly.

"What about you?" Isabelle said quietly.

"I'll be fine if everything goes to plan. Also," I narrowed my eyes at them. "After the two days and everyone is safe, you will not be allowed back into this kingdom until the war is over. The kingdom will be abandoned except that a messenger, who will be giving me updates, and myself will be here."

"You'll be defenseless." Xavier said in realization.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Now, go." I ordered and they stood up hesitantly, one after the other.

"Hurry!!!" I yelled at the rest of the stranglers. They left quickly and I sighed.

War, what a headache it causes. A knock sounded at the door and Isabelle peeped in sadly."Yes, Isabelle?"

"Someone is asking for you at the front gates." She said softly.

I perked up in surprise. "Who is it?"

"Lord Damien." I growled in annoyance and got up. Of course, it's him.

I walked down the corridor and the winding staircase, arriving at the front gate. His tanned face brightened and I scowled. "What?"

"I'm here to help." He said grinning.

"No." I stated bluntly.

"My lady, please. I'm part of your alliance." I winced at the fact and let out a heavy sigh.

"And how could you possibly help?" His grin got wider even though, I didn't know how it possibly could.

"I'll tell you if you let me in." He teased.

I stared at him for awhile before signalling the guard. He opened the gate and Damien ran through. He spread his arms wide as if to give me a hug and I held my hand firmly against his chest. "Don't even try it."

His lips formed into a pout and I nearly smiled. Nearly. "Now, tell me."

"I can help you get the civilians safe in other kingdoms. It's not just your kingdom at risk, if you remember." He said turning serious.

"That could be helpful." I murmured under my breath. Well, it's not stupid...

"And I could be your bodyguard." He added in smiling slightly. Seems like I spoke too soon.

I glared at him and crossed my arms. "No, I don't need one."

"I was just pulling your leg. My apologies, my lady." His playful nature annoyed me, considering the war that was about to start.

"Go get started on your first helpful idea. Quickly. They could arrive at the front gates of Upotama anytime now."

He bowed and grinned at me once more. "Right away, my lady. Farewell." He waved as he exited the gates and hopped in the carriage waiting outside.

"Farewell..." I muttered.

I walked back into my kingdom and watched everyone run about with a mission at hand. I sat at my throne and crossed my legs.

Phase One was about to begin.

Queen Of KingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora