Chapter 11 "Leisure"

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"The battle has begun." I took in a sharp inhale and slowly released it.

"Have you released the birds?" He nodded and Dorian stood by nervously.

Tension flooded my body and I slowly gripped the armrests of my throne. "When will the birds reach their destination?"

"In a couple of hours." I dragged out a sigh and leaned back.

"Would you like something to ease your nerves, m'lady?" My messenger put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I flashed him a grateful smile.

"That would nice. Thank you." He bowed and left.

Dorian took his place next to me and stared. I scowled at him and glared. "What?"

"You seem nervous for someone who seems to have a lot of experience with this kind of thing." He didn't seem to be fazed by my hostile attitude and I sighed.

"I thought that it would be easier since I had seen my Aunt do it flawlessly." I smiled sadly as I reminisced about my now deceased family.

"Your Aunt?" I nodded and locked my fingers together.

"She was the Queen before I was. When she and my parents died, I was the only heir that had the Walker blood. She was a wonderful woman. She was beautiful, powerful, smart, and never backed down." I laughed as I remembered her persistent attitude.

"I always aspired to be like her. My mother was the younger sister so she never got her chance at the throne. She would have been a great Queen as well. I was a spoiled little girl now that I think about it. I hated when she-" I quickly found that I was rambling and shut up.

"You hated when...?" Dorian said slowly.

"Nothing." I shook my head at Dorian.

"Please continue, Your Majesty. I like hearing your stories." Contrary to his playful tone, his words held an air of honesty to them.

I huffed and turned away from him. "I find you irritatingly annoying," I peeked at him and a smile crossed my face. "But it seems like I have no choice."

I cleared my throat and began to speak. "Now where was I? Ah, thing I hated the most was when she prevented me from playing in the rose garden with my close friend."

"Close friend? Are you still friends now?"

"No. Actually, we're enemies right now. We are facing each other on different battlefronts at war." I muttered.

"That was an excellent analogy!" I let out a chuckle and covered my mouth.

"That wasn't an analogy..." His face went into a state of confusion for a second before his eyes widened.

"You don't mean...?!" I nodded and he gasped.

"The same man that declared war on you was your best friend?"

"What can I say? Loss of communication changes things."

He gaped at me then quickly composed himself. "You are truly a remarkable woman."

"There's nothing remarkable about it. Things change and you adapt or at least, try to adapt." My messenger came back with a cup of tea and I smiled.

"Thank you again," The smell wafted into my nose and I turned to him. "Is this herbal tea?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I brought some delicious herbs from the next town over on my way here. Does it suit your tastes?"

"Yeah, it does. It reminds me of the tea my mother used to make..." I murmured, stirring the tea slowly.

"My apologies. I never meant-" I waved him off and smiled.

"It's fine. You can go relax until the birds return with messages." He nodded slowly and bowed.

"I truly don't deserve a Queen like you." And then he was gone.

"These people of yours really cherish you. I wish my servants thanked me like that." Dorian said sighing.

"They don't thank you because you don't deserve it." My words were slightly muffled by the teacup as I sipped my tea.

"I don't-"

I sharply cut him off and changed to similar subject. "How is Oliver?"

"...He's changed. More confident, I should say. I meant to ask you about what you did to him." Dorian said curiously.

"Nothing, I just let him spend a couple days with my servants. I would say he fit right in. Should've stayed here. But he wants to stay loyal to you, it seems." I muttered into the teacup.

"He should." I saw his chest swell with pride and I scoffed.

"Don't get cocky, Dorian. If you do, you just might have a rebellion on your hands." My words didn't seem to phase him as his smiled stayed on his face.

"I won't have to worry about that." I sipped the tea again and calmly and set it down.

"Why won't you have to worry about it?" He opened his mouth and I cut him off. "You'll kill them? Maybe kill someone as an example like the good old days? Or maybe just intimidate them?"

My poisonous tone made him flinch and I continued, satisfied at his reaction. "You are a rookie, remember that. Keeping a kingdom in control requires patience, time, and experience. Killing will do nothing unless it is wanted by the public and is absolutely necessary. Your kingdom sometimes will not like the things you for the sake of the kingdom but don't you dare make a decision for your own selfish reasons. That," I picked my tea back up and brought it to my lips. "Is what a true leader does."

"Thanks for the tips." He muttered.

"You're welcome. You'll need them," I flashed a fake smile at him. "Go to sleep. You'll need your energy tomorrow."

"Why?" He said turning to me once again.

"You're going to be my errand boy."

"Excuse me, my lady? I will not be-" He looked at me appalled.

"Dorian, whose kingdom are you in?" I started stirring my tea again, leisurely.


"That makes you under my control as long as you stay here. You'll follow my orders, won't you?" A smile spread across my face as I watched him squirm.

He bit his lip and slightly bowed. "Of course, my lady."

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