Chapter 17 "Ordinary Girl"

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"You want me to do what?" Dorian said slightly appalled at my words.

"You heard what I said," I sighed and put down my wine. "Did you seriously think that I was going to simply say yes?"

"No." I glanced at him and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, maybe a little. But what do you expect me to do?" He huffed.

"Isn't it simple, Dorian? You have to please me, that's all. Think of it as a...trial. Yes, a trial!" I exclaimed, finding the word I was looking for.

"Hey, don't drop that!" Dorian yelled at a servant who was carrying dishes for the ball before turning to me once again.

"Fine, Your Highness. I'll figure something out." I nodded and returned to my wine.

The day before we had a massive funeral for those lost in the war. My people were upset but they decided to be proud at the fact that we won. It didn't sit right with me that people were getting over it so quickly.

"Madam," I was broken out my thoughts and turned to Isabelle.

"Yes?" She sat down beside me at the large table and sighed.

"You looked like you were stressing about something, my lady. You know it is not good for you." She spoke with concern and my lips twitched into a smile.

"It's just the war had blown over so quickly and we're already celebrating. It's a bit overwhelming." I looked at the brown table, tapping my fingers lightly on it.

"I understand. Look," She paused, pointing over to Xavier and Avery, Dorian's personal servant. "They seem to be getting along well."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What is your point?"

"After we evacuated everyone, we ran into Avery. I had an immediate dislike for the woman but Xavier," She swallowed. "Xavier saw something in her that I didn't. He stood up for her and stayed by her side, even when things got tense. I think that Avery...may have realized his loyalty as well."

My eyes widened in surprise and flickered over to Xavier for a moment. "You don't mean..."

She smiled and leaned closer. "I'm not denying anything nor am I clarifying it but it may be true."

I covered my mouth and let out a chuckle. "How scandalous. He didn't even tell me."

"I think he wanted to but when he got news that you were injured, he made you his number one priority." My smile faltered for a moment before I looked away from her.

"Is that so..." Isabelle had a look of panic on her face and I smiled at her.

"It's alright. I'll talk to him later."

I got up and walked about three steps before Dorian ran up to me with a beaming expression. "I know what we can do!"

I tilted my head. "What do you have in mind?"

He looked around and then leaned closer. "We can spend a day as citizens."

I leaned back in surprise and then a smile broke out on my face in excitement. "That's a brilliant idea. I love it."

"We can go today and be back by nighttime." He said grabbing my hands, squeezing them lightly.

"Oh, yes. I've always wanted to see what the stars look like from somewhere other than the castle."

"Then lets go now, my lady! After all, the day is still new."

"Well, let me go get dressed. Isabelle!" I called.

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