Spin Off Information

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Hey guys! I'm so excited to finally be explaining how this spin off is going to work! I'm trying to make this as simple and fair as possible so that everyone can have a good time doing this. Obviously, with more than two people doing this, it'll be confusing to sort out which chapter(s) is going to be written by who, so to try and make it very fair, it'll be first come first serve.

All you have to do is message me which chapter(s) you'd like to write and I'll let you know if someone else already chose said chapter. Because we have chapters in which Muke interact, chapters where Michael appears with no interactions and chapters in which Michael simply does not appear, this is how it's going to work:

Chapters with Muke interactions: these chapters will still include all the tweets and/or dialogue between Muke. The difference is that now, they won't be seen by Luke's point of view, but by Michael's. You'll include his thoughts when seeing Luke's tweets, his thoughts when seeing and speaking to Luke. You can obviously add some of your own things, like what Michael was doing before logging on to Twitter, how he was feeling and how Luke affected his day or his mood. You are free to write anything around those interactions.

Chapters with Michael but no interaction: these chapters can be whatever you want it to be, as long as Michael's tweets from that chapter are included in it. You can add tweets by Luke, Calum or Ashton that Michael reads if you like, but keep it just as him reading them and not interacting with them, because that might change the course of the story, I guess.

Chapters with no Michael: these chapters are completely up to you. If you choose to do these chapters, all I ask is that you message me and tell me what you want to write about. The thing is, we still want this story to make sense, so I will have to say if it is a good idea to use, or if maybe we should think of something different. If I suggest we think of something different, it does not mean that I don't like your idea, simply that it will not flow with what has been written before it, okay? Please don't ever think it's just me disliking what you wrote.

You can pick as many chapters as you like, but if you're writing more than three and someone who doesn't have any chapters wants one of yours, I will politely ask you to give it to them so that everyone has a chance to write.

I know I am setting a bunch of rules, but I hope you guys don't think I am trying to narrow your options for writing or whatever, this is solemnly so that it is all organised and so that it is a good, coherent story that we all write together.

Also, I really suggest that if you want to write the early chapters, you come talk to me soon so that it can all be organised instead of having empty patches all over the story. I'm going to be updating a list into this part, with which chapters will be written by which person, so that you can all talk amongst each other and see how you want the story to flow too. This is a way to get everyone involved and interacting with each other. I just want to do something fun!

The spin off is going to be called "Spotlight" and it will be up on my profile as soon as I finish Stalker Squad, and my girl Bethany (1995mgc) has already written the first chapter for us!

I can't wait to hear from you guys, and for our story to be brought together!!

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