Chapter 14

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Alec POV
I asked Marissa if she'd be my girlfriend, and she said yes. My heart flooded with emotions. But I was so overwhelmed with happiness, that when she asked me if she could go back to Forks, I didn't hesitate. In that second, I would've said yes to anything she asked. I completely forgot about what Marcus said about not bringing her back to where she has gone before. And Forks is the only place she's been, at least in our world. As I pace through Aro's garden, I notice Marissa sticking her head out of one of the doors.

"Alec, are you alright?" Her adorable big eyes, and little pout mesmerize me, "I've been watching you pace for a while now, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah Marissa, there is nothing to worry about. I was just wondering about why you want to go back to Forks. You don't really have any ties to the place. I just cannot make sense out of it."

"I'm not sure Alec," She wraps her arms around me and rests her chin on my chest, making my unbeating heart skip a beat, "I think it's because I idolized the Cullens so much, and Forks was a place where I always wanted to live, I just feel drawn there." Hearing her say that makes my heart drop, I'm scared that that's not the only reason she wants to go back, even if she's not aware of it. Though, I can't tell her we can't go, I would  never do anything to make her unhappy.

"Alright love," I reply, scooping her up my in arms with a kiss, "I will bring you anywhere in the world, I will give you the world, as long as you're happy."

"As long as I'm with you Alec, I couldn't be happier."

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