Chapter 16

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Hey! Decided to update a little more for you guys! I haven't been on wattpad in years and I came back to check it out and I didn't realize how much people liked my story. It was definitely pretty rough but I'm going to try and add a couple more chapters since I left it on a pretty bad cliff hanger (sorry!). Hopefully my writing has improved, but my twilight knowledge definitely hasn't sorry guys. 

To be clear I still enjoy the series but I can't find time to read the books anymore, my knowledge is a little rusty but I hope you still enjoy my attempt to bring you more content!


"Marissa! Today's the day, come get breakfast." The Volturi has a small kitchen, I'm not entirely sure what for, probably their small human staff they employ, but Esme took over it as soon as we got here. 

Today I'm heading back to Forks to stay with the pack for a while, Emily and Sam have offered to let me stay with them, I think it's so Sam could keep an eye on me honestly, but I'm excited. Sam is a little scary, but I'm just glad I get to go visit. 

I told Alec about me going to La Push and he is not happy about it, I actually haven't seen him since yesterday after he took off, I was hoping he'd be here at breakfast, it's kind of tradition for him to come sit with me while I eat, but he didn't show. 

"I'm sorry honey," Esme ran her hand through my hair, "Alec's just upset he can't come with to protect you, I'm sure he'll come say goodbye before you leave."  I guess I was kind of pouting, it's hard to hide your emotions from Esme, she's just so warm and motherly.

"I know, I just hate that I made him mad, maybe I shouldn't go, is it really worth it." I know I really want to go to La Push and see what the wolves are like, they seem really fun, it'll be disappointing but I really like Alec.

"Don't change your mind because of Alec, he's your mate, he wants you to be happy, he's just frustrated that he can't be there. He'll still be here when you get back." I just nodded, Esme's right, anyways, if Alec is really my mate, he'll understand and be there for me even if I make him mad.

"Okay Momma E, I'm going to go pack thanks for breakfast, it was amazing." Esme gave me a kiss on the forehead and took my dishes. My plane leaves in 4 hours, I'm kind of a huge procrastinator, I'm just hoping I don't forget anything. 

I leave the kitchen and walk down the hall to my room, there's not many Volturi around here, just the few lower members who have to patrol the halls and they refuse to interact with me at all.. I've tried everything, even pranking them with Emmett but nothing. I do try not to piss them off though, they're red eyes reminding me that I'm just food to them. 

I get to my room and see my suitcase packed, an outfit laid out and two notes, one from Alice telling me that she packed for me because she saw that I wouldn't get it done in time and that she'll be at the airport with everyone to say goodbye.  The other note was from Aro, requesting my presence in the throne room before I go. I shuddered, Aro, Caius, and Marcus creep me out, and I didn't really ask permission to go, I just set it up with their secretary and hoped for the best. 

I walked into the throne room and the three were sitting on their thrones looking like they haven't moved in decades. 

"Marissssa, my darling come here," Aro spoke, drawing out the s in my name like a snake, he reached out his hand and I knew I had no choice to but give it to him. Honestly, so annoying, it's worse than your mom going through your phone... no privacy. 

In the few seconds while Aro shifted through my thoughts I looked at Caius and Marcus. Caius was glaring at me, which he always was, but this time I could tell he was seriously considering making me his lunch. Marcus looked sullen and depressed, which was pretty normal, someone needs to get this poor guy some anti-depressants or something. 

"Ah yes," Aro finally spoke," you're off to Forks to hang out with those... dogs." I could hear Caius scoff behind me, his knuckles making dents in his chair.

"Yes Aro," I bowed my head, was I supposed to bow my head, ugh, Alec is usually here to help, "you know my story, why it is so important for me to visit, you also are aware that I have no ill intentions, I am not going to jeopardize my life, my new family the Cullens, or the relationship I have created with many of the guard of the Volturi." Mostly Alec. 

"Yes child, I am aware, and you are aware of the repercussions if you betray us. Caius has been hounding me to let him hunt those wolves, and if you fail to abide by our rules, I will have no choice but to let him have his way." 

I did not like the look on Caius's face, that hungry look that only a psychopath could have. "I understand Aro, your guard has been very clear with what is expected of me and I will abide by those rules and return within the one month period you have given me." I have to ask him something else while I still had the courage but I could quickly feel it fading. "But Aro, I just have one question," I knew he already knew what I was going to ask, but he was a good actor.

"Yes child?"

"Am I going to be stuck here forever, like will I have to join the guard?" Aro had Caius and Marcus's hand in his and was quiet for what seems like an eternity, I think he might've been speaking quietly to them, but my human ears couldn't pick up what he was saying. Eventually, he let go of their hands and looked at me. 

"We have discussed and have decided that as long as you are human you must report to us, your home will be here in Volterra. If your status changes to vampire, we will give you the choice to join us or to leave." I sighed a breath of relief, I don't think I could support the Volturi, they are pretty evil. "Now child, if you have no other questions, we have a meeting to attend." I could see more of the guard filtering in, this wasn't a party, it was breakfast. I quickly left and as soon as the door shut behind me I started running. I couldn't stand to hear what was happening, the thought just made me sick. 

 I got back to my room and found Bella and Edward there waiting for me. They gave me a hug and said their goodbyes, I'd see them soon. Seeing them together just reminded me of what I wanted in a relationship. Obviously it wasn't always perfect, exhibit A is New Moon, but they pulled through and now they work like they are two parts of the same body. Co-dependent, but independent.

This made me feel better, even if Alec is mad at me right now, it'll be okay, we will make our way back to each other, and if we don't then I guess he isn't my mate. Which is hard to think, he's so perfect for me, but I can't let him hold me back either. That's what I told him last night, maybe he just needs to think. Hopefully he'll be at the airport to say goodbye since he can't come to the reserve at all so it'll be 2 weeks without seeing him, maybe more if I decide to stay for the full month. 

 I meet up with Jasper and Alice, Emmett and Rosalie didn't come because they took Renesme out for the day while Edward and Bella went hunting out in the Italian wilderness where ever that is. I also said bye to Esme and Carlisle before I left, Carlisle got a job at one of the hospitals here and Esme is actually nursing at one which is super cool. 

I was sitting in the back seat while Jasper and Alice talked about their friends, Charlotte and Peter,  I guess they want to meet up in Texas soon. I didn't listen much, I couldn't stop worrying about whether Alec was going to show up. Not even two minutes into the ride I felt calm and could finally relax, then I realized it was Jasper.

"Thanks," I said quietly, I'm sort of embarrassed, I shouldn't be worrying so much about a boy but I know he understands. 

Jasper just nods quietly, and drives us. I really appreciate that he's so quiet and just a steady presence. I'm hoping that when I get back I'll be able to spend some time with them. Both Alice and Jasper have such interesting stories, I know part of it but being able to hear it from them would be so cool. 

We pull up to the airport and check in is a breeze, I guess when you're inhumanely beautiful and insanely rich you can get anything done quick and easy. Soon, I'm saying bye to Alice and Jasper but I'm insanely distracted, constantly looking for Alec. 

They leave and I make it to my gate with about a half hour wait time for boarding. I bring out my ds and play some Mario Kart, but it's no fun when you're alone and my heart really wasn't into it. 

My plane starts boarding after which felt like forever but I was still wishing I had more time. I knew Alec wasn't coming though. I felt my eyes water up but I stood up and walked into the plane on my own. Who knew being in my favourite series would make me feel so sad and alone. 

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