Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I grab some sweats and a cute shirt and head to bed, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.


"Marissa! Get up!" Someone yells in my ear. Who would yell in my ear this early in the morning? My parents are at work, there should be no one home. My eyes fly open and I see Alice. Yay, I forgot I'm in the twilight saga. 

"Alice? What are you doing in Bella and Edward's house?" She should be back at the main house.

"I'm here to help you get ready!" No, no, no, I don't do cute, I do 90% comfy, 10% cute.

"No, no, no, I dress myself, I'm scared of what you might do." Aw, the face looks so sad, but I used to work at a daycare, I got these faces all the time.

"Please Marissa, I haven't had anyone new to dress since after Edward and Bella moved out." She's still staring at me with those damn eyes, still not going to work.

"No." I straight up tell her, hoping she'll get it, which apparently is almost impossible.

"Your no fun." Alice states and leaves the room in a huff. I go and take a shower in the private bathroom! These people really are rich! I get dressed in some 'skinny' sweats, and a floral tank top. I grabbed some hightops which so happened to be in my size, thank god, and walk out, just waiting to see Alice's face at my outfit.

"Alice! Where are you?" As soon as I say that Alice comes dancing in the door of the living room.

"What. Are. You. Wearing?" She emphasizes each word, being super melodramatic.

"Let's go and get me some breakfast! I'm hungry!" I decide just pretending that she isn't talking about my outfit will be the best way to get me some breakfast faster.

"Not dressed like that." Yeah, play that card.

"Well, it will take extra time to get ready and I'm just so starving. You know if I don't eat soon I'll shrivel up and die! You probably don't remember that part of being human because this is a rare disease that just recently came to light." I try and talk Alice out of it.

"No there isn't, your funny, let's just go." Yes, I won, that's a suprise. I do an inner happy dance. I zone out because it's too early to be awake and out of no where we were already at the main house.

"Thanks Alice." 

"Yeah, yeah." Obviously still upset with me about my outfit. All of the sudden I can hear Edward laughing, probably read mine and Alice's minds about my outfit. When we walk in we see Edward still laughing, hard and everyone staring at him funny. After he calms down he points to us. When everyone looks they are so confused. Bella gasps along with Esme and Rosalie. Emmett and Jasper laugh and Carlisle and Edward just shake their heads.

 Bella walks up to me and Alice goes to stand with Jasper. "How did you get away with wearing sweats with Alice around? Teach me your ways."

"I just told her no." Everyone looks so shocked.

"That's it?" Bella responds.

"No, she told me she was going to shrivel up and die. I know it's not true though." Alice responds instead.

"Yeah, about that, can I have breakfast?" Before I can even finish Esme has a bowl of cereal and a plate with some toast on it.

"If there's anymore I can get you just ask, the tables right there." Esme smiles at me so sweetly, it's hard not to want to hug her. 

"Thank you so much Esme, this is amazing." A smile, so big I think it's going to fall off, comes upon her face.

"So, Marissa, we decided that you should meet the Quilete pack. You need to tell them about what's going on since you know their secret too." Carlisle tells me. Ugh, I don't like talking infront of people, I have a little bit of stage fright.

"Yeah, uh, when are we going to do this?" I'm so nervous.

"Later today."


Ooooh what's going to happen? She's going to meet the pack!

Honestly I don't know what their reactions will be.

I guess we'll find out when I write it.

I wasn't going to update today, I was going to write a bit, then work on it later.

But I decided I love you guys so much, why not update today?

So I did!

Haha Vote if you liked it. Comment what you thought!

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