Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Marissa! Come down here and say goodbye before we leave!" My mom yells at me from the doorway.

"Okay, just one second," I say, I read the last sentence of the book I was reading, Breaking Dawn, I've been reading it all day and all night straight for the past three days, "Coming!" I yell.

"Okay Marissa, remember what we agreed?" My dad asks trying to make sure I don't do something stupid like have a party, haha me, no.

"No partying, no alcohol, no boys, only three friends over at a time, I have to call you when I get up, and before I go to bed, and I can only go over to Karen, Lyme, and Katlynne's houses."

"Okay, and try not to eat everything, here's money for food and stuff, make sure not to eat junk while we're gone." 

"As opposed to when your here?"

"True, just true though." My mom pleads, worried about my "health", whatever, if I get fat, I get fat. I probably won't though, considering I have a fast metabolism and we have a gym membership for all of us and we have to workout every second day.

"Okay, I'll see you in two weeks then, I love you guys." I say as I hug my mom, then my dad.

"Bye baby, be safe." My mom says while kissing me anywhere on my face that showed skin.

"Adios," My dad jokes as he turns around, "just kidding, see you later kiddo." he messes up my hair and walks out.

I stand in the doorway and wave goodbye. I know what I'm going to do! Twilight movie marathon! My parents won't let me have a twilight movie marathon when they are home because I don't have a t.v. in my room and takes all day and most of the night, depending on when you start, to watch the whole series. I go and make some popcorn and grab the movie set from my room. I go to put my book away because I'm such a neat freak. I go to my closet and grab my favorite pajamas. A white sweater that says love in black across the whole front and some black leggings. They are so comfy. I thought to myself. I decide to put my hair into a high ponytail. Even in a pony my hair reaches my bum. I have long skinny legs that make it hard to find pants that fit my tiny waist and my really tall legs.

I go downstairs and my popcorn is down so I sit on a giant beanbag chair I made my parents buy for me because I love bean bag chairs. 

After two and a half movies I start to nod off. Eventually I just fall asleep.

When I wake up, I was no in my living room, I was in someones front yard in the rain.


And that was the first chapter.

Tell me what you thought in the comments.

I know it's short, I might edit it sometime and make it longer, maybe not, I don't know.

For now editing will be making sure there's no spelling mistakes :)

If you liked it, vote.

If you didn't, too bad.

Just kidding, comment and tell me why, maybe I'll improve it.

Thanks for reading :)

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