Chapter 17

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 The flight to Seattle was pretty uneventful. The old man who sat beside me slept (and snored) through the entire flight and there was a crying baby somewhere in the back, but I had my headphones so it was pretty easy to tune out. 

The entire flight I couldn't help but feel anxious. I feel like I might've made a mistake, is my bond with Alec too weak, will this time apart kill our relationship? I hope not, but I also don't want a relationship that fragile, if he can't deal with me being independent and having control over my life, do I really want to be with him? I hate that the answer is still yes, but it's also so soon in the relationship, maybe there's more to it.. I don't know. 

When we finally were allowed to deboard the plane I couldn't wait to get out of there. Between all the stale air from being on the plane for so long and my crushing thoughts, I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic. Luckily, when I got to baggage claim, my suitcase was one of the first to come out of the hole-conveyor belt thing. 

Jacob was waiting for me in the loading zone outside, I was kind of nervous about meeting him since I haven't spent much time with him but he grabbed my suitcase and threw it in the back of his truck and gave me a hug. 

We talked a bit on the way to Forks, he had a couple questions about living with the Volturi, but he really didn't like them much so we quickly changed the subject. He was really worried about Renesmee, but I reassured him that she was kept as far from the Volturi as possible and she was being spoiled rotten. He then asked me about my old life... I hadn't thought about that in a while. I don't think he could tell that I was upset and I definitely didn't want him to know, but I haven't thought about my parents in a long time. Did they miss me? Do I still exist in that world? Is this even real? Honestly, I'm not sure about anything right now, but this feels so real, so I'm going to treat it like it's real. 

Eventually I pretended like I was tired and needed to sleep. I wanted to get out of talking, even listening to Jacob's goofy wolf stories wasn't enough to get rid of all the thoughts of Alec out of my mind.  Pretending wasn't hard though, I quickly fell asleep and I didn't wake up until we were at the edge of Forks. 


Hey hope ya'll enjoyed this little filler chapter, not really much that could be done with this, but I'm also not sure what exactly is going to happen next. I have a really basic idea of what will happen with a couple key scenes, but no way to get to it. 

Lemme know in the comments what you guys want to see for the next part of the book and if I like it I will definitely integrate it into my story. Even if it's just an interaction between characters or a place you want Marissa to go! 

Do you guys think Marissa and Alec are going to be okay? What do you want to see come out of that? Lemme know!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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