Chapter 11

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Okay so I am so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating. I thought I could do it with work, but I work most of the week now.

I've been having really bad writers block with this chapter so please, I am so sorry, it's probably going to suck but I'll try to write this one and then a really good chapter 12!


Marissa's POV

I woke up and immediately saw Alice sitting at the edge of my bed with this huge smirk on her face. I just got up and tried to ignore her. But before I could even take half a step towards my private bathroom she had both my arms in a death grip.

"We didn't you tell me you have a date with Alec! I know you know I'd see it but I want to talk about it!"

"Alice, there's nothing to talk about right now. We haven't even gone on the date, I don't even know where we're going."

"Well go shower, I'll get your outfit and makeup ready because I know where you're going." Sending a smile towards Alice, I go to the bathroom to shower and do all that fun stuff. By the time I was out Alice had clothes on my bed and my makeup table full of stuff she will use. She's playing Bella Barbie with me now.

After I get my clothes on, a cute Pretty Little Liars type dress, with knee high socks and cute booties, Rose comes strutting in like the supermodel she is.

"So I heard you have a date you didn't tell anyone about. And how do you suppose you'd get ready without any help?"

"I'm sure I would've managed, but I knew Miss. See all, tell all, would have let you know."  Rose just giggled at that and sat me down in the chair. I decided to just try and enjoy the poking and proding. After a little bit, you get used to it and it feels a bit calming.

"And you're done." Alice spins me around in the chair so I'm facing the mirror.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't think I could look this good. Thank you so much!" I got up and hugged Rose and Alice. Alice did my makeup with a natural smokey eye, with thick eyeliner with no wing. She made my face look completely flawless and soft. Rose let my hair down in lose beach curls and bumped it up at the top. I looked amazing. I'm so excited to go on this date now.

I didn't even have time to check myself out again when there was a knock on the door. Both Alice and Rose giggled and walked out the door, no doubt past Alec.

I went to the door and saw him. He was in his Volturi coat, like he has to be.

"Marissa, you look... wow. You look better than wow." Man now I'm all blushy. Gotta play it off cool.

"Well, you look pretty good yourself." Alec smiled and put his arm out. I looped my arm through his and we walked at a slow human speed.

"Tell me about your life Alec." We were walking through a part of the castle I've never been to before. I mean, I haven't really been anywhere in here though.

"I'll tell you as soon as we get outside. It's more private." I nod and we walk in a comfortable silence. I really like being with Alec. I wonder what we are going to do outside.

We walk through a big door and there is a huge garden. It is so beautiful,I know Esme would love to be here. My eyes widen after we walk under a canopy of vines and flowers. There was a blanket set up with a picnic basket and candles.

We both sat down at the same time and Alec started talking.

"Aro has always shown an interest in my and my sister. He knew we'd be special even when we were just mere toddlers. He left us to grow up with our mother because of the immortal children law. Even when Jane and I were human we showed a good amount of abilities. When people were bad to us, bad luck seemed to follow, and the same vice versa. After a while our village named us witches, and we were to be burned at the stake. A random Nomad heard of our execution and informed Aro. Aro immediately came to the village right before our execution and he killed everyone in the village, He took me and Jane back to Volterra and changed us when we were just 15. For the last 1000 years, I have done nothing but serve the Volturi. We do get vacations, but short ones. I have not found someone that I have found an interest in, until now," He looks at me and I looked down and blushed again, "but tell me about you, what you did before you ended up here."

"Well, I was obsessed with Twilight, my friends were so annoyed with me because my favorite thing to do was read and watch movies about this world. I read, a lot. I used books to forgot about my problems. Books would transport me to another world, and now a book has actually transported me to another world, so that's cool. I'm awkward, not so much clumsy though. Volleyball is my favorite sport. I've never had a boyfriend, the boys back home were all losers. White chocolate is my favorite, no doubt. I love the Bare-naked Ladies, they're my favorite band, all their songs make me want to dance. Yeah, that's about it, no executions for me." Alec cracked a smile at that.

"I hope you'll be spending a lot of time in the library, because that's where I am a lot too."

"Oh, I will, believe me."

Alec opened up the picnic and brought out a sandwich and some iced tea, it kind of sucks that he can't eat thought, whatever more for me.

"Did you make this?" I don't know whether to trust his kitchen skills, but I don't think it's going to kill me.

"Yeah, you don't have to eat it if it's bad though, I promise my feelings won't get hurt."

I grabbed the sandwich and took a big bite, it was the best sandwich ever. I moaned in pleasure, which I probably shouldn't have done, it was subtle, but I seen Alec's eyes go a little darker. To break the tension, "This is really good, I hope you'll be making more in the future."

"For sure, I'll make a hundred sandwiches if you want me to."

We sat there and talked a bit more about small things and finally after about an hour we packed up and started heading in, Alec walked me to my bedroom and I kissed him on the cheek and we said our goodbyes.

As soon as I walked in, Alice and Rose ran up to me squealing. This is going to take all day.


I hope this is long and good! I really hope you liked it. I'll try and do chapter 12 soon, but it might not be for a week because I work almost all week.

Sorry for not updating like ever!

I love you guys so much!

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